Catching up

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I anxiously sat at the meet-up spot, praying she sent a rain check or didn't show. I was a mess, today being my greatest hope and biggest fear at the same time. A voice made me jump out of my thoughts.

??: "Y/n? Is that you?"

I slowly stood and turned to face the direction of the voice, dreading and looking forward to who it belonged to.

I slowly stood and turned to face the direction of the voice, dreading and looking forward to who it belonged to

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Y/n: "H-Hey, Ko-"

I was cut off by her tackling me to the ground, tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her, savoring the embrace.

Koharu: "You came... You're here... This isn't a dream is it?"

Y/n: "I haven't figured that out yet... I'm not on fire, so... If it's a dream, it's not mine."

She chuckled through her tears.

Koharu: "Good... Why did you leave? I didn't know what to do. It felt like before, but more. I felt like someone... Like-"

Y/n: "Someone dropped you into The Mariana Trench without a flashlight?"

Koharu: "...That works. I assume you felt the same?"

Y/n: "That's how it felt for me."

I let go and looked down at the ground.

Y/n: "...I'm sorry. I wanted to come back. I wanted to so bad, but every time I wanted to respond to you or check your location, I would just see... what I did to you."

She went silent.

Y/n: "But I didn't know how much pain my fear was causing you. My self-loathing hurt you more than your bite ever did... I hope you can forgive me."

Koharu looked down for a second, her eyes veiled by her hair.

Koharu: "You still ask my forgiveness? These six- no, these two years you've been punishing yourself for has hurt me more than you ever did that day!"

I flinched at her words. I knew she was right. I suddenly felt her caress the right side of my face.

Koharu: "But I understand you were hurting too. I promise to help you forgive yourself, so we can start again."

Y/n: "...And I promise to never hurt you the way I have again."

Only then did I realize that we had gathered a bit of a crowd. Koharu looked around, her face slowly turning beet red. I flicked her on the forehead.

Y/n: "So, any other reason for calling me than a heartfelt confession?"

She was a stuttering mess at this point. I helped her to her feet and then guided her away from the group of people.

Koharu: "Th-Thanks for that. I still can't handle being in the spotlight."

Y/n: "Glad to see that's not the only thing that's changed."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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