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"So, that Benny boy..." Agny inquired as she accommodated the new fabric on the shelves, neatly folded. She sewed and made clothes, that was her job; Anni-Frid learned from her in the early teens and now she also sews from time to time.

Anni-Frid blushed and started playing with the hem of her mint green sweater. Why she got like this every time it came to him? She was feeling ridiculously nervous. "Yeah, uh... I think we are friends now," she replied.

"That's good, honey. You need more friends, I only know the guys in the band, and Benny seems to be a good boy."

She nodded slowly and thought for a moment, it seemed like the perfect time to tell her about the party. "By the way, he invited me to a party this Sunday."

Agny turned on her heel with a bundle of cloth in hand. "A party?"

"Yes. It will be the birthday of the sister of one of the guys in his band and he invited me," she explained. "He will play there."

"And you want to go?"

"Yes, but I told him I would think about it."

Agny put the cloth on the shelf and walked over to her granddaughter. "Why?"

Anni-Frid snorted. How would she tell her grandmother that she had to sort her mind because Benny is the same boy she kept thinking about all week? "I do not know. Maybe it's too soon, right?"

"Soon for what?" She asked cautiously, although she was almost certain what was going through her mind, of course she had already been in that place many years ago.

Anni-Frid shrugged. "To hang out together, we hardly know each other."

Agny took her granddaughter's hands, noticing the band-aid on her left forefinger. "What happened here?"

"I cut myself while chopping a pear," she explained seriously.

"Ouch," she made a pained face. Agny sighed and looked at her seriously. "I understand that you feel insecure, honey. But this is what friends do, not just work. They go and have fun. You just said you're friends, right? He's been here in the house. That means you trust him, don't you?"

"But we've seen each other like three or four times, how is it possible that I can trust him so much?"

Agny shrugged. "Only you have that answer. Ask yourself, why do you trust him so much?" Anni-Frid pursed her lips, that was a talk she had to have with herself. "It's just a party, if you hesitate a lot maybe you shouldn't go then."

Anni-Frid stared at their joined hands; she loved her and also loved the wisdom she possessed, Agny always guided her through the tunnel so that she could walk towards the light, and this time was not the exception. She half smiled; she certainly wanted to go, what's more, she was too excited, but... there was always a but. "Yes, I think I will."

"Do what you want. But remember that going out to have fun is also valid, not everything is school and work."

"Who says I don't have fun?"

"Oh, you know what I mean," she tickled her stomach and Anni-Frid giggled. "Alright. Now go finish your homework or whatever you have to do. I'll finish setting up here and we'll make dinner, okay?"

"Okay," Anni-Frid kissed her grandmother's soft cheek and left the small room to head upstairs to her bedroom. She had a lot to think about, although actually deep down she already knew the answer.

Benny and Eva-Lis left the cinema while they were talking about the movie they had just watched, she still had a jar of popcorn and Benny had a soda in hand. "That thing was not scary at all," Eva-Lis commented, they had seen a horror movie.

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