Back To You

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Admiring the landscape from above hit differently; a thin layer of mist covered the city, announcing the bitter cold below. Further in the background, white snow could be glimpsed covering every corner of the ground, from the top of the tallest tree to the thin water channels. Winter was undoubtedly his favorite season of the year. Benny looked away from the tiny window of the plane and leaned back in his seat letting out a long breath. Finally in Stockholm again. After a little over two weeks, he was finally coming home. Previously, being back would have depressed him, but this time coming back caused him an enormous feeling of joy and comfort. The main reason? Anni-Frid. Seeing her again was the loudest thought during the entire tour, it was more of an urge that came from the bottom of his being. Somehow, he felt that they left things pending, words unsaid and even caresses not given. He missed her terribly, every minute.

Despite it being a short trip his body was tense, his legs pounded from being in the same position. The guys started chatting from their respective seats, obviously elated to be home. Benny watched them closely; they looked happy, satisfied and a little nostalgic. He knew them all well. These boys represented his second family, it was like that from day one, the bond that united them was strong and each one of them in particular had already shown him that he could count on them unconditionally.

Svene caught him looking at him and called out to him. "Andersson! I hope you're happy, we are back." He smiled knowingly.

Benny smiled at him too. Of course he was happy. "It took forever."

With a dramatic eye roll, Hegland interfered. "This is how it feels when you're lovesick."

Love. Was that love? Benny reduced himself to shake his head and chuckle. He couldn't name something out loud that he wasn't sure in the inside. So he kept silent... once again. <<Benny, I love you>> Anni-Frid said, and he didn't respond. Two weeks later, he still didn't have an answer. What he did know is that he was lost on her, he missed her hopelessly and seeing her would help clear all the mess from his mind and why not? heart.

As soon as he had the bags in hand, Benny hurried to get a cab home. It was snowing and most likely his parents were comfortably immersed in the warmth of the house, so a taxi was a good option. Benny said goodbye to the boys and got into the taxi, with the help of the driver he put the suitcases in. He had more stuff coming on the tour bus, but he'd pick those up later at the label office once the crew arrived. Benny gave the driver instructions and slumped back in the seat. He closed his eyes for a moment and without realizing he fell asleep...

The house looked very different; Laila was in charge of decorating every corner, like every year. Christmas was her favorite time, and of course Eva-Lis was not far behind as she did not stop bragging that she helped choose this year's decorations. Two weeks without seeing her and Benny could swear her little sister had something different, maybe she was taller... or he was just overreacting. Without a doubt, he missed his family. His sister and mother represented his greatest treasure, his father his anchor. Gösta received him with a strong paternal hug, not as euphoric as his mother but certainly he felt his love and even pride in him. As Laila said, the family was finally whole again. Benny felt warm to be surrounded by his family, but his main goal remained the same; go visit Anni-Frid.

He took a quick shower and dressed comfortably, still not losing the glamour. After all, he was going to visit his girl after more than two weeks without seeing her. Once dry, he tucked his dark blonde hair under the blue wool hat in front of the mirror, there were tiny dark circles under his eyes, but that was to be expected. A knock on the door warned of a visitor. "Yes?" he turned.

Laila poked her head. "Son, are you ready?"

Benny nodded. The truth is that he was suddenly nervous. "Yes, mom."

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