Well it's off to tour with Justin I go

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So after Justin left and forgot about me not only had I been bullied a lot but after pretending to not care a part of me decided it really didn't care. I gave up on homework and tests and going to school I got to school and then skipped I had gotten myself into a bad group of kids that had been there for me after my best friend had left me forever to go off and be famous I was left behind they helped me pick up my pieces and when I was trying to commit suicide they had been there for me, so naturally I think I had myself some nice people to call my friends, but because of my kindness I was gonna find out the hard way that they weren't really my friends and it would be when I was long gone. By then it will be too late and that's a lot later in my story. The thing was I tried hard to work hard when I was in class and my mom never found out I ever did any of this. She just thought that I was just depressed and suicidal all the time and thought that was the reason that I wasn't doing well in school anymore. The truth be told I just didn't understand what we were doing in class. 

After Justin left me I pretty much became mute at school and I never asked for help I'd feel weak. I was already hated by everyone except the people that were just using me. So I tired to decide that I really just didn't care. I missed him I didn't mean to get caught up in this group of horrible people that convinced me that it was ok to skip school, and then get away with it. Because I had been mute at school is what caused me to be bullied in the 1st place and the bullying caused me to be suicidal. It wasn't my fault it wasn't even Justin's. At least as far as I know it was his stupid career's fault and nothing was gonna change but I wish he would've at least kept in contacted with me or asked me to go on tour with him I would've packed and been ready in less than 3 days, but did he ask? No! Did he keep contact?! No! Do I care?! I try so hard not to a part of me says yes I still do because I'm still good and kind but every now and then when I'm doing these things being peer pressured or tricked into believing that these people are really my friends that part of me has been recently forgotten. Don't get me wrong she's still there just I've been like this for so long that she only comes back when I'm at home. When I can be alone in my secret studio and be myself with my dreams of acting and singing. Making secret YouTube videos that no one but me knows about. Justin was living our dream without me. There was nothing more I wanted then to be part of his team to be famous for acting and singing especially side by side with my childhood bestie, my one and only real friend, a person I thought of like an older brother even though we were the same age because I was an only child, my celebrity crush. 

The only person I wanted to be around the most for him to be part of my life forever, but I guess forever means something different to some people. I thought nothing was going to change, until I finally got into enough "trouble" that my mom had, had it with me. Farrah?! Where have you been?! Out! What did you do to your hair?! Shaved it! (wig) You also got a piercing in your noes?! Yep (clip on) You also got a tattoo?! Forever on my body! (Temp) That's it I didn't want it to have to come to this, but you need a reality check I know why you've been acting like this and it's because you miss Justin! No it's not I want nothing to do with him he left me mom I don't care about him anymore him leaving made my life miserable! (Lies) Some it was lies some was only partly true. Farrah tonight is your last night at this house for a while. What?! I already packed for you, you leave tomorrow for L.A. to go be on tour with Justin until it's over! No! (Yes) Thank you wonderful acting skills. But mom?! Farrah I don't want to hear another word from you tonight go shower and go to bed you leave bright and early in the morning 1st plane ride out of here.

This is what I wanted but when I got there I was gonna keep pretending to hate him like I was a real Tom Boy my mom said she called Justin's mom and said to expect him to have me sometime tomorrow morning. She told her everything, but Pattie was gonna be the only person I told what was actually going on. She at least had the right to know. I didn't want to put her though all my BS. I tied not to get anyone else involved, but as you can see that didn't turn out like I hoped.

So my mom just got off the phone with Farrah's mom I can't wait to see her again I wonder how much she's changed?! Reality check oh please just give me a break! She's gonna be with us the rest of the tour and we haven't even started we're doing a special promotion that we're doing that we're on tour for a year and come home on special holidays so it's a good thing she's only missing Jr. Year. It's the end of Sophomore year beginning of summer considering the things my mom's said she's changed a lot weather I remember her or not.

It's the morning that I'm being sent away to go be on tour with Justin I'll be missing Jr. year, but who cares I hate that school anyways. My mom just dropped me off at the airport so I want to go check in I gave the guy my ticket and some of my bags that I didn't need, I've never been on a plane by myself before so I'm kind of scared. I checked my phone it was 6:00am L.A. was a hour behind us. I don't know how long it would take but I guessed somewhere between an hour or plus another half. They were all early risers except Justin who hated mornings just as much as I did. He'd probably either be training for something or working on stuff for the opening concert tonight for his 1st show, because we're currently 16 this was probably for his "Never say Never" tour IDK all I know is that he was 16 in that movie. He said so. I fell asleep listening to his music and when I woke up I had to figure out where I was and where I was going. The Justin Bieber arena please?! I asked a cab driver.... Do they even have those in L.A. IDK.... JB fan huh?! I rolled my eyes crossing my arms getting in, you have no idea. I had a pass to get in to the bus, hey they were expecting Farrah and that was me as far as I knew, I mean I hadn't really changed as far I still knew I was still putting on an act but to everyone else this was the real me. I can't believe I'm not already famous yet I'm such a great actress.

Putting to use my wonderful acting skills I finally found the tour bus after the guy dropped me off. I ooh'd and ahh'd at it and I couldn't wait to get inside. I was dressed in a hoodie and a beanie and shorts and sneakers I had a Pokémon suitcase and my beanie was a Pokémon ball, if I was to be a tomboy then mission accomplished. I opened the door and went in. Well off to see Justin I go and this was just the beginning.

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