That bitch stole my song!

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It's been a while since I've gone back to my dream of being famous, so ironically thanks to my mom and Selena I can actually do that now. I think I'll continue that. It's what I've come all this way for. Now all I need now is to grab my song book and get the recording booth unlocked and get started. Where are they I swear they were both right here. Where'd they go? Oh no, please tell me Selena hasn't taken them! Knock, knock GF, Um I'm so sorry, but were you looking for the keys? Um, actually I was. Thanks.

BTW you haven't by any chance seen or have, um.... Nope sorry gotta go bye! Well she seemed really nice today. Ok then. No problem right? Oh Justin would you come here for a moment? What do you want Selena?! Oh Justy are you alright? I'm ok it's just, uh never mind. Aw come on sweetie you can tell me. Please?

Well.... Come on Justin please, for me? Ok it's about Farrah. What about her? IDK it's just, it's nothing. No go on please tell me more. Ok fine. *sigh* I feel bad for leaving her and I keep trying to get her to like me again or at least be on good terms she's stuck with me all year long and she hates me, there's gotta be something I can say or do to make her not hate me. I tired a while back ago to ask her if she wanted to join me on my last couple of tours, but her mom said that she said she was still mad at me for leaving her.

Aw I'm sorry, but did you ever wonder that maybe you just need to move on from this girl and go back to dating me again. I mean what's wrong with this girl? What do you mean? Come on Justin she hates you and is stuck with you 1st of all that would be a dream come true for anyone else. She's not like other girls she'd rather skateboard or go paint balling or do laser tag or go bowling or whatever then go to the mall or get her nails or hair done and she's not girly she doesn't wear flipflops or heels or skirts or girly sparkly clothing or dresses she's a tomboy. So what's wrong with that?

IDK, but it doesn't seem real she's a girl not a boy she's supposed to be like happy and giggly not about sports or skater punk rock girl or whatever she doesn't belong here and you need to let her down easy. Are you kidding me she won't look at or talk to me, I mean I know she hates me, but....

But what that's all there is, check her phone it prob has some juicy secrets or horrible texts about you on it or whatever. No she's not like that. That's another thing I think someone might be threatening her to stay away from me making it more difficult for me to figure her out. And how do you know it's not just her dissension. Because the one time I talked to her she said that even if she did want to talk to me she couldn't, so that means someone is telling her to not go anywhere near me or talk to me, but no one told me I could go near her or talk to her.

I wouldn't do that. Why not? She's not good for you Justin trust me on this. Why? Buh bye, oh wait I wanted to talk to you about a new song I wrote to sing for the beginning of the concert as your opening act. Really can I read it? Nope. It's in here, she says pulling out MY song book. You can hear it tonight though.

Fine. I gotta go Selena talk to you later. Bye love you, she says kissing his cheek skipping away. Ok so "my" songs that "I wrote" include the POV of my real self the lovey dovey loving Justin wants to be friends with him still self, and my I don't care about you, you left me, so drop dead, fake self. These 1st couple of songs she "stole" are from the POV of the real me.

So come concert time that night I was in the dressing room listing to the concert when I heard Selena start singing as his opening act. Ok So to the crowd all out there tonight I have to new songs about a special someone tonight, and I want to play them for you....

this includes the heart wants what it wants. When I heard this 1st song I thought I was just hearing things. I was drinking some water thinking, hey that sounds like my song maybe I left the recording running the recording booth it sounds nice. But then.... Hey you guys that song goes out to my lover Justin Bieber everyone, and so does this next one and a whole different tune a whole new meaning this song is called.... 

Ok spit take moment. Goodbye I love you all. No, no, no let me out. I felt like crying so I did this wasn't fair I wrote both of those songs and wrote them about Justin in private about the real me, that's what the song book was for to write in lyrics how I've been feeling both falsely and real of me. I have to stop this! No oh man what can I do.

Then I got an idea. That bitch stole my song, so now it's time to fight fire with fire. I recorded that song a couple weeks ago and put a date by it so I had then turned my recording into a video recording of me singing it and recording them both on the day I wrote them and "fixed" everything in it you couldn't recognize my voice where I was or who I was now I was gonna be the one and only incoming Celebrity Sabrina Allison. Red hair, pale skin, blue eyes, maybe brown IDK which ever came 1st and become an overnight celebrity. That everyone was gonna love.

I hooked up the footage and released it to the big screen. She was so screwed. Too bad she was gonna get me back even though she had no proof it was actually me singing it except that it was my song that bitch stole from MY book! Well played Farrah well played let the games begin and let the best women win. The prize Justin.

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