Let the rumors spread like wildfire

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In the morning things started getting "interesting" I awoke to the sound of, I can't believe she said that! I crept out of bed, went around the corner, and listened in. Yeah, that's one of the very first things she sent me, not too long ago. Why would she say that? I thought we were starting to get along.

Yeah well what more do you want from me?! I told you, she hates you Justin! You know that. Yeah, somehow it still surprises me. Why does it surprise you, you know she doesn't want to be here?! But Jade do you know how hurtful this still sounds? OMG the text I sent Jade when I first got here!

I *Gasp* quietly. A part of me hopes she didn't mean it. I didn't mean it, but of course nobody knows that. It was my earlier text from the first day the one that said, help me save me, this sucks, I'm trapped here, don't want to be here, having no fun, or something like that. I knew I should've deleted that message when I had the chance. I didn't really mean it.

I covered my mouth quickly, remembering the text. I went back to my room thinking, maybe things will get better tomorrow, maybe this is all just a misunderstanding. The next day though things didn't get better, I had no idea where my actual phone was, but I used the one I had to tell people all the wonderful things going on, hoping maybe he would see it.

No such luck a days later after we had avoided each other for a couple of days things still didn't get better, he was so mad at me, but IDK why I've said nothing but nice things about him?! OMG she's gonna be so confused when he asks her about all of this, he'll never know we were the ones texting him fake messages to make him mad at her and hate her, so that she'll leave, and I can have him all to myself.

Farrah what is the meaning of all this? What are you talking about?! I'm talking about all these horrible things you keep saying about me! WTF I don't even have my actual phone the phone I've been using I've done nothing but say nice things about you. Whatever I don't believe you.

Fine don't believe me, whatever go believe, your stupid girlfriend! Don't talk about Selena like that! Selena's right you're a bitch, he would regret that later, even if what he said he didn't mean in the first place, even if he was really doing this as part of his and Jade's plan to get rid of Selena. Are you kidding me?! Justin Selena has been awful to me, her and Jade have been making me miserable since Jade got here, and Selena has made my life living hell since she got here! Selena hates me how can you be with her?!

I thought you were my friend Farrah, I thought at least we were becoming better friends, I felt bad for leaving you behind, but maybe now I am, you're just jealous! Hearing him continuously yell at me and say things that weren't true, hurt, but there was no way I was gonna show anyone weakness. Oh just crawl back to your dumb little girlfriend, and pretend like I don't even exist again!

Maybe I will! I wish he would've just came to his senses and realized how horrible his girlfriend was. *Ug* why did I have to say that, I don't want to be with Selena, I want to be with my friend, but this is the only way to get rid of her. Farrah was so hurt, but she hates me so, it doesn't matter.

There was nothing more at a time like that, that could make me feel better then turning my feelings into music

meanwhile I got out my guitar, it was one of the major birthday presents I got from him growing up, they were for my birthday, but they were more like forgive me presents. I took out the fake phone, and looked up Avril Lavigne songs on it with their lyrics, put them in front of me and started playing the songs, made sure my door was closed, so I could sing the songs, and wrote my own, those couple up there, (again pretending) but here were a couple more I sang a long to

which is actually not by the same person. Somehow these songs made me feel better. Little did I know that someone was listening on the other end. Wow she sounds really good. She's just being herself right now not even Sabrina. She's really hurt. I just wish it wasn't all my fault.

She's right to feel this way, I wish I knew that she did though, I could've helped. I wrote down her lyrics in my song book with the way I thought about the words, just in case they should come up again anytime soon. The rest of the days that followed were no better, some of the texts he said he was getting from me started talking bad about his friends like Chaz Luke and Ryan, I had nothing against them, they knew my secret, I knew it wasn't me saying those things, but I had no idea where my phone was, but still I wrote nothing but kind things about Justin.

Farrah what the hell?! I know you hate me and Selena, but leave my friends out of it! What the hell Justin, I don't hate your friends, we get along just fine! Then explain this! Who are you getting these texts from?! Uh these are all from you! They can't be, your friends know!

They know what? I quickly jumped back a couple feet covering my mouth. What do they know? Nothing it doesn't matter you won't listen, so just go away. The very next day I talked to Jade, she showed me test messages from Justin, talking bad about me.

So let me get this straight , he thinks I was talking bad about him, but he's going behind my back and doing the same thing, *Ug* I should give him a piece of my mind. Wait you mean you weren't saying bad things about him. No! Jade I don't even have my real phone.

What are you talking about? Long story, that I really don't feel like explaining. You wrote new songs didn't you? How do you know that? When you feel a strong emotion you write songs. I know you Gem. I mean Farrah. Farrah? Did you just call me by my name?

I wasn't even aware you knew my real name, for real, you've always called me Gem. Your my friend, I should've treated you better. No you treat me fine you were there for me when he left me. A few mins. later.... Justin?! I never really said anything about you, but you yelled at me for doing it, but you went behind my back and did the same thing.

What are you talking about I couldn't had, I don't have my phone?! Haha you're so funny! No I'm not kidding. Well if you don't have your phone how do you know what "my" tests say? Jade showed me. That's funny she showed me yours too.

Chaz, Luke, Ryan's POV
Farrah and Justin have been fighting like cats and dogs, we all know Farrah is acting, and we know as our friend that Justin whose in love with Farrah, who feels sorry for leaving her would never hurt her like that, so somebody must've taken their phones and has been texting them back and forth, we need to figure out what's going on.

OMG Selena, she's behind this whole thing, Jade was in on it to, but actually so was Justin, Selena thinks she's helping Jade get rid of Farrah, but Jade is helping Justin get rid of Selena. Come on you guys let's go, tell them what's going on.

Back to regular.....
Allow us to shed a little bit of light on the subject. We know what's going on. Someone took your phones and are texting the other bad horrible things about one another. Who would do such a thing? Isn't it obv? The person that's been ruining my life since I got here! You mean Selena? No Justin we mean your mother, of course Selena! You have no proof! I forgive you, I'm so sorry I accused you, and I hope we can be friends still, but you don't have proof.

You want proof, I'll get you proof!

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