Selena's causing me problems

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The next day night was the 1st concert of the year. I wanted to go watch it and support my friend. Considering everyone except Justin and his friends aside from Chaz and Ryan knew my secret there was no way I could and still get away with people thinking that I didn't care. So I sat in the dressing room turned on the T.V. and tried to take my mind off everything that was going on. But I couldn't, one channel was talking about Justin's show, another was Wizards of Waverly Place, another was playing Cody Simpson music, on another they were playing reruns of Sonny with a Chance, another doing reruns of Hannah Montana another playing concert after concert after concert of other celebrities including Shaeleigh and Katy Perry and Usher and so on and so forth, then there was an interview about L.A. Reed and then there was music videos of a bunch of Taylor Swift videos and who they were about. So I turned off the T.V. rubbing my head groaning in pain putting my feet up on the couch grabbing the D.S. and playing Pokémon games or playing just dance just doing whatever I could to get my mind off anything I could. But then at that moment Selena just had to walk in.

I'm coming in don't bother trying to kick me out. No way never even crossed my mind! Good now here's what's gonna happen you're gonna get into the music thing and record me singing some stuff like love songs and they're  gonna be about Justin and you're gonna make me sound good and then you're gonna give it to him for me. You got it?! Yes sir Selena mama! Good now get to it! I went to the recording booth and set everything up and got started I really like Selena in reality but as of now as my I don't care self she was causing problems for me problems I didn't need. I had 99 other problems and my feelings for Justin were most of them she wasn't about to be more problems on my list. So I just did what I was told.

Ok Selena everything's all set up. Good now get in there and work the system bitch and one other thing stay away from Justin don't look at him don't talk to him don't even think about him! Got it?! Do I make myself clear? Crystal! Good I see we understand each other but don't think this means we're friends or that you get to go around asking me for favors the only favor I'm doing for you is making sure you get home and away from us like you want. Who said I wanted that? You hate Justin right?! Yes? (No!) So you'll do what I say with no exceptions asked and you'll help me win him back and no one will get in my way?

Ok I got it now just get in there and sing Gomez! That's another thing you will have a pleasant attitude towards our meetings or the deal is off you also don't get to tell me what to do! Now I'm gonna go in there sing some heart whelming romantic  songs and you're gonna make me sound good and  then give it to him no questions asked and the only time you'll be around him interacting with him is when I tell you, you can understand bitch?! Yes I understand. Also when we have these meetings you will address me as master or queen we aren't friends you are just my little slave and will be my little pet.

I understand! Good now hit it. One long recording session later.... Here how does this sound?! It's wonderful I might hate you but as long as you know what you're doing and do a good job doing it we'll get along just fine slave little pet! Gee thanks. My pleasure pet now this is great you have real talent here and that's a complement and it's probably the only one you're gonna get so don't jump for joy or anything alright now just go give this to him. But the concerts not over yet. Fine I'm gonna go to my dressing room and watch the concert and come back when it's over and when it is I'll come get you and make sure you get it to him then you'll come back and it will be like nothing ever happened. Fine.

So she left and I sat down on the couch exhausted IDK how anyone works with her. On the inside of me that still fan girling she didn't give a crap on how she was being treated by her she just loved being around her hoping they could actually be friends some day the only problem she had with hanging out with her was that I was supposed to stay away from Justin which for my new self wasn't a problem considering I was supposed to be hating Justin's guts anyways. Selena had went out some odd way instead of the real door which had been good for her because on the outside Ryan and Chaz had been listening and went to tell Pattie what they had heard.

I on the other hand had collapsed onto the couch playing Pokémon on the D.S. again and then when I found a good stopping point I started writing some songs of my own. Mostly from my new self's POV but they were still great. All these songs are already real so don't pay much attention to them once so ever if you don't want to that is. After a while I heard a knock on my door after I had started singing the songs I "wrote" I stopped and began playing on the D.S. again. I as my real self posted on the secret web page the guys told me about earlier about how happy I was to be hanging with Selena but upset that she wasn't letting me hang out with Justin I had written about the bad things too but how that didn't bother me because I was still hanging out with her trying to look on the bright side. They came in asked about what I had posted and asked me what happened.

Farrah?! Come in it's not locked. Farrah we wanted to talk about Selena. My reaction was shock I didn't know if they knew what really happened or if they read my post or whatever but they sounded upset. Farrah your post seems nothing like what really happened the guys heard everything and came to tell me now we aren't gonna tell Justin because that would be reviling part of your secret that you have for him so we won't. If it were BTR  this would be a wa uh, uh oh moment as in that brings me more trouble and more problems other than the ones I had originally I was like so busted and it wasn't even my fault it was Selena's. UG wish me luck how will I  get out of this one?!

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