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DR. BRUCE BANNER knew Cassandra Mason.

It was the fourth of May 2012 when the Asgardian prince Loki intended to subjugate and conquer Earth with an army of Chitauri. Cassandra Mason, together with the Ancient One and her parents defended the New York Sanctum from the aliens, choosing to only stay on the sidelines and not on the battlefield. The Ancient One advised them not to interfere too much as it was not their battle yet.

Cassandra and her father were on the ground at that time, fighting off multiple Chitauris, when she caught a glimpse of a green, raging monster transforming into a human. She knew who he was -- well, heard of him only as she heard about his story. Dr. Bruce Banner, a renowned scientist who was exposed to dangerous levels of gamma radiation. As a result, the scientist would transform into a huge, rage-fueled, primitive-minded creature whenever angered or provoked.

She saw him collapse to his knees, heavily breathing and despite her father's warnings, she came to his aid and performed a spell that steadied his senses. An explosion occurred to her right and she casted another spell that cut the flying debris in half. Around her, bits of the downtown were on fire. Huge chunks of the debris and rocks were scattered on the ground just as first responders fought the fire and rescued the injured. "Dr. Bruce Banner? Can you hear me?"

He raised his head, stunned. His eyes were wide and Cassandra could see the little tinges of green in his eyes. She knew then that the Hulk was about to break free again. "Who are you? How do you know my name? And how did you just do that?"

"Name's Cassandra Mason, and…" she squinted her eyes, thinking how she would explain to him without mentioning she was a sorceress. "I have powers? Yeah, yeah. I have powers. I know you because I've heard about you."

That's when another explosion rang in the distance, but it was from the portal from the sky. A flash of red and gold then fell out of it and she knew then it was Iron Man. He had successfully destroyed the alien spaceship in space. "Dr. Banner? I think your..."

"On it."

Then, just like that, the scientist transformed once again into the huge, green-skinned, and muscular creature known as the Hulk.

"Cassandra! Get away from there!" Her father roared as the Hulk stepped forward to her.

But, the sorceress wasn't afraid and releasing a breath, she put her hand on the center of his chest, lending some of her magic to him. As her eyes flashed gold, she mumbled an incantation, making Dr. Banner and the Hulk always remember her. "Go, get him, Hulk."

SAVING GRACE   ✵   𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now