I: The Disappearing Glass

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I laid next to my brother on the small bed we share in the cupboard under the stairs at our Aunt and Uncle's home. Harry is sleeping silently beside me, while me, well I'm wide awake. I had a weird dream that's been keeping me up for the past couple of hours. I sighed quietly as I pick at the waistband of my jeans, I'd gotten dressed an hour ago knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep.

"Up! Get up! Now! " Aunt Petunia screeched in a demanding tone while banging on the door. Harry woke with a start. "Up!' she screeched again before her footsteps started to walk down the hall towards the kitchen. Presumably where she had come from before.

"We are!" I snapped back, already annoyed with her and the day has just begun. One thing you need to know about me is that I have a short temper and get easily pissed off; especially if it's my Aunt and Uncle.

The footsteps stopped and then I heard them come back to the door of the cupboard. "What did you just say to me?" Aunt Petunia asked hotly. Harry shot me a look as if to say 'shut up', but of course me being my stubborn ass self ignored him.I should also let you know that I am quite a stubborn person. Try arguing with me, I dare you.

"You heard me" I said with a slight smirk appearing on my face.

Aunt Petunia almost growled. "I'll deal with you later, now get up! The both of you! You need to look after the bacon and the eggs. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday" she said in a sweet tone but through clenched teeth.

Harry and I groaned simultaneously.

"What was that?" Aunt Petunia snapped.

"Nothing, nothing..." Harry said before I could say anything, knowing that if I did it would only make the situation worse. Her footsteps retreated back into the kitchen. I simply rolled my eyes.

Harry gives me a look, "Are you trying to get us into trouble?"

"No.." I said sheepishly.

"Then why antagonize her like that?" Harry questions.

"I can't help it okay." I sigh, and upon seeing the look Harry is giving me I add, "I'll try not to piss her off anymore. Promise. Speaking of which, we should probably get to the kitchen before the she-demon gets more pissed."

Harry gives me a look as if saying 'Really? Really?'

"Sorry. Sorry. Let's go" I said getting up and opening the door to the cupboard and stepping out.

For fraternal twins Harry and I look quite similar. We both have dark black hair, oval face with an angular jaw and chin, medium-light skin and a similar lightning shaped scar; Harry's on his forehead and mine behind my left ear. But that is where the similarities end. Harry's eyes are a bright green, where mine are a hazel. Despite being petite for my age (I'm the smallest kid in the Ares cabin) I'm lean and toned from all of my time training at camp. But don't let my smaller size fool you, I'm incredibly fast, strong and a great fighter. In fact I'm one of the best in the camp, in both hand-to-hand and with weapons. It's a little shocking to everyone to say the least, I don't look like the type. Chiron always says I'm just very talented and as much as I'd love to believe that, part of me deep down knows it's not just that. Harry on the other hand is much smaller and skinnier than most of the boys our age, partly because the Dursley's never feed us enough and partly because all of Harry's clothes are Dudley's hand-me-downs. Harry also has round glasses that are being held together with lots, and I mean lots, of Scotch tape because of all the times Dudley punched him on the nose.

Harry and I stepped into the kitchen and the first thing I noticed is that you can barley see the kitchen table under all the birthday presents piled on and around it. From looking at them I can tell that Dudley has gotten the new computer he wanted, the second television and a racing bike. Why he wants a racing bike is a mystery to me, let's be honest it's actually a mystery to us all and one we will probably never understand. And this is because Dudley is very fat and absolutely hates to exercise- unless it involves punching someone. And his favorite punching bags just so happen to be Harry and I. But it's not often that he catches us as we are too fast for him, and when he does manage to he never hits me (he learned his lesson a long time ago; hit me, I hit back. And let's just say that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon weren't too happy that I hit their precious baby boy).

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