Run Run Run

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After a good long time of hearing the engine start and fail we got the the jeep ready to leave. "Okay scoot over I'm driving." Grey gave him a confused look which made me confused because I thought he could drive. "I thought you failed your drivers test." Ohh that makes more sense. "I only failed the driving part of it." That's not gonna cut it for me. "Nope Zach move. I'm driving." He moved over and Grey got in the back. He pouted when I started driving the jeep out of the great and over grown place.

It wasn't long before we reach the back entrance of the park. "Guys look behind us." Grey sounded nervous at what he saw. I poked back and saw pterodactyls flying behind us. I started driving faster and Zach was yelling to get the guards attention. I honked the horn Zach was standing up and waving his arms. It was no use doing this they might not even hear us. But when I saw the gates opening, I floored it and had this thing on max speed. There was chaos in there. People were running and screaming to get away from the flying reptiles.

I stopped driving once we got in and grabbed Zach and Grey by their wrists so I wouldn't lose track of them. I walked pulling those two behind me. There were people shoving and running over one another. This place was a complete disaster. I pulled them in another direction that was a but less crowded. "You guys Okay?" They both nodded. I smiled at the until I saw a big pterodactyl flying at us. I heard gunshots and Claire's voice. Never have I been so relieved to here her voice. I pushed the two in the direction where it was coming from.

I narrowly missed the pterodactyl from stabbing me. I guess they picked up on her yelling their names and bolted trying to find her. I got up and tried my best to keep up with them. Running was not in the question with a stabbed leg. Once we found Claire I saw her holding a gun. Owen looked impressed. But she used to many bullets on the creature considering she shot it in the head. She looked at Owen and he walked to her and kissed her. Oh that's gross.

I saw the two boys looking confused as their aunt's clothes were in tatters. "Aunt Claire?" She looked over at them and I saw Owen looking over at me. Claire ran to her nephews and hugged them. Owen walked over to me and gave me a hug. I smacked him on his shoulder. "Ow what was that for?!" I gave him a look that said 'you're so stupid'. "You didn't even ask if I'm okay! Nor questioned what the hell happened!" He hit me back and dragged me over to the others.

When we got there I hit him again and he did the same. "Are you sure that's still the same guy we've almost died with?" I gasped in offense at the comment. "Girst of all your idea you fault. Secondly this moron didn't even ask if I was okay." They all were pretty much done with my pettiness, but I didn't care. "Okay enough from you. This is Chester Grady, younger brother of Owen Grady." The boys looked shocked that I had a brother. And Owen seemed a bit irritated that I forgot a small unimportant detail. "So what if I'm younger I have the better looks out of the both of us."

He just sighed and was done with it all. "At least I'm not short like you." Instead of hitting him like he was expecting I punched in the arm. "Alright let's get going shall we?" No one paid much attention to Owen in the background complaining. "Chester, Hoskins is planning on using the raptors to capture the Indominous Rex." I stopped what I was doing and turned around. "That grubby slimy bitch best not touch any of them."

Time skip

We were at the raptors paddock and I saw a whole bunch of people there. Owen punched Hoskins as soon as he saw him. "Nice one!" I high five him and we both had a mini celebration. It was cut short when Claire also agreed with us and called Hoskins an S.O.B. which in all honesty was true. "Look this is going to happen with or without you two so are you in or are you out." I knew this wasn't going to end well at all. I looked at Owen and he seemed to be thinking about this. It was a hard decision to make and he didn't like the fact that he had no choice but to give in.

We found ourselves in the bay area of the paddock we held for them. Zach and Grey stood at the entrance outside. They gazed at the raptors in awe. "So who's the alpha?" I was tending to Delta so I'm sure that he asked Owen. "You're looking at him kid." I could feel the smirk from here. "Yet you didn't go into the pit with them to stop a man from getting eaten." I ended up getting a towel thrown at me. I laughed as he seemed to still be mad at me for that. It really wasn't my fault.

He turned back to the kids. I walked over to them after making sure all the raptors were okay. Grey was full of questions as usual. "So if you're alpha, then who's beta?" Owen thought for a minute before he answered. "It would have to be between Chester and Blue." I looked at the boys and they didn't seem all that surprised. "Big deal now Owen go and make sure you have everything." Meaning that he had to make sure that the chunk of the Indominous Rex was still where he left it.

I watched Owen go over to Blue as she was his favorite as well. "Well you boys go find your aunt and try not to cause trouble." They both lingered. They both wanted to ask something I'm sure. "Go ahead and ask but don't expect it to be put gently." Zach was the one to ask the question that bothered them the most. "What's going to happen to the dinosaurs once this thing is solved?" They were both worried which was understandable because they saw them up close. "Well they will most likely be either terminated or roam freely once the island is cleared of people." They both nodded understanding that there was no clear answer. This was gonna be one hell of a night for everyone.

Okay sorry this took so long to get out. I forgot what happened and had to watch the movie and didn't get all the way through it. And I also had my phone taken away so I couldn't update anything while my ideas were fresh. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

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