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"What do you mean Evan?"

"I mean," He clasped my hands in his, "I think we could really make it work. You and me Moenia."

"As in?"

"How clueless you can be wom-Nia? Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"I-I'd love to!" By this point our bodies were in such close proximity allowing Evan to grasp my lips in a kiss. His spare hand moved to cup my chin as he kissed so feverishly. It reminded me of the eager yet bashfulness of a first kiss. The warmth of his body made mine melt against his, shielding me from the bitter wintry cold. Slowly, his lips separated from mine into a smile.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." He whispered. I chewed my lip feeling myself growing socially inert. I just smiled looking into his eyes, at this point work had been totally discarded.

"Why don't we do something fun?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just pack your things away." I put my laptop away in my bag along with my papers and stationery. Shrugging my bag onto my shoulder, Evan held my hands pulling me out of the café after he chucked some cash on the table to cover the bill. He was "walking" at an absurd pace.

"Evan I'm going to slip!" I must've jinxed myself as my feet began to go haywire due to the sleet on the ground.

He braced me and continued with the ridiculous strides, "You'll be fine." He remarked with a hard stare. I looked around as we moved since I hadn't really been in this area. We weaved in and out of people and I muttered apologies to all the poor passer-byers. It began to snow heavier than the previous sleet and I could feel the oncoming shivers.

"We're nearly there just hold on tight, babe." 'babe' I'm not totally sure about that word. Just feels so lassez-faire. We neared a large building that was covered in an array of misshapen colours. "Dave's Crazy Golf" was on a slightly crooked sign. "We're here!" Evan stood there with the proudest look on his face. I must've seemed a little hesitant as he started rambling about how amazing this place was. And how he would come here as there aren't any decent golf ranges nearby. I smiled at the fond recount.

"Okay then let's go in." With a much slower pace to the previous, we walked into the front desk. We paid for a round on 16 holes and the lady gave us some clubs, 2 balls and a scoresheet. I had a forest green club and ball whereas he had a striking orange club and ball.

"Just letting you know I will win. Even though I've never played golf."

"Sure, whatever you say Moenia. Just don't be upset when I gloat after rightfully beating you."

Evan went first and of course got a whole in one. What have I gotten myself into. "Ah! My leg is broken sorry I can't play."

"How hilarious but it's not going to work. You can just ask for help."

"Yeh I could but that goes against-" Evan positioned himself behind me placing his hands on top of mine, which were holding the club.

"You need to put your hands like this." Gently he moved them to their correct positions. "Then stance your body like this." He tapped my thighs and pointed to wear my legs should position themselves.


His body moved closer to mine in such close proximity allowing them to move as one. "Swing the club like this and hit the ball, controlled." We moved as one, swinging the bat back before knocking the ball just shy of the whole. "Go on you can get it in next." He released me, checking over I was stood right and motioned for me to tap it into the hole. With great concentration I managed to tap it in! I turned to Evan pulling him into a hug.

"I did it!" I released him and moved to the next hole. "I'm practically Tiger Woods."

"Okay let's slow your roll. I'm still going to win; you're just going to lose less." I rolled my eyes at his (well-deserved) cockiness.


I lost. How surprising, I know! Turns out I was more like Cat Woods. Evan got 24 and I got 8.. 86. Do not even ask me how that's possible. The last hole took me like 10 tries. The smirk on his face and the fact I wasn't even able to disprove it. He was a little smooth when he went about the whole collecting his prize. Evan tapped his cheek mockingly and when I went to give him a light peck, he swiftly turned his head so our lips met in a flurry. So, I guess losing was not completely horrible. I think he was a little shocked that one can be so incompetent at mini golf from the continues eyebrow raises every time I took a shot.



so.... life has been ridiculously hectic. since the last chapter, i went on holiday abroad, stayed for two weeks till just after christmas got covid so then i had to stay til new years hence the lack of updates. my phone also broke so i have a temp replacement which does not have the book plan hence why the chapter is being released on a sunday as preferred to a Friday as i had to make up the chapter :) also sorry the chapter is so short, i just felt like this was a natural end!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: the book is currently on hiatus till about june- ish but will be finished!! so add to your library for updates :)

sage <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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