It's Only Fair

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A/N: blondebucky gave me this idea, mando x mando!reader, sorry there's so much dialogue i wanna cry

Warnings: injuries, swearing, FOR ONCE IT'S SORTA WHOLESOME I'M SO PROUD

Transaltions: mesh'la = beautiful

Word count: 1169

Your hands shake as you ransack each and every crate stacked in the Razor Crest's hull, searching for bacta. Panic makes your voice high and something near tremulous through your helmet.

'Din! Din, talk to me!' You choke out. 'Do you remember buying any bacta? Do you know where you put it?'

'I don't know,' he answers, voice strained. 'I - I think so? Not s - sure where, though...'

He grunts in pain, and you spare a second to glance over at him. His usually broad, powerful frame is slumped against the wall, his helmet tilted backwards to rest against the metal behind him as if he doesn't have enough strength to hold his head up. Fists clenching and unclenching, his shoulders twitch slightly, and you can tell he's grimacing underneath the beskar.

'It's okay, mesh'la. I'll - I'll be okay. I've had worse.'

You know he's just saying it to comfort you. It does exactly the opposite. Din's usually bluntly honest to a fault, and the fact he's lying to ease your worry fucking petrifies you, because it means he's lost hope. He thinks he's going to die. You redouble your efforts, chucking ration packs and Maker knows what over your shoulder as you pray to every fucking god you know of that he has bacta and that you'll find it in time. Cursing under your breath, you barely register the pain as you drop the heavy crate lid on your toes.

You're stupid. So fucking stupid. You should know by now that you can't relax on a hunt. The consequences might not affect you, but they sure as hell affect your hunting partner, and if there's anything you really hate in the galaxy, it's that. Why, oh why, did you have to trust that Twi'lek? Why didn't you consider the fact she could have just been pretending to be a victim to lure the two of you and your shiny ass beskar into a trap? Why didn't you notice the extra reinforcements which came through the back door? Why didn't you notice that cursed IG assassin droid that whacked Din so hard over the head he crumpled to the ground, temporarily unconscious?

'Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!' You scream, realising there's only a few more crates left to check. Please, please let the bacta be in there.

Fingers trembling, you wrench open the crate lid and your heart stops for a second, then restarts with double the intensity. Your shoulders slump with relief as you stare at two tubes of glorious, life saving, oh - so - wonderful bacta salve.

Fucking hell, there better be enough.

'Alright!' You crow. 'I've got it!' You scoop the tubes up and skid over the hull floor to where Din slumps, getting so rapidly onto your knees beside him that the crack the bone makes as it hits the floor makes both of you wince.

Din holds out a placating hand. 'Mesh'la, it's okay. D - don't rush.'

'Can't really help that right now!' You cry, frantically scrabbling at the lid of the tube, sighing in relief when you finally break the seal. Yanking of your gloves, you squeeze some of the salve onto your fingers and raise them up to -

- up to his helmet.

'Oh, bloody fucking hell,' you groan. 'Do you think you can do it yourself?'

He's still, too still, and for a moment, your heart almost stops - is he dead? Are you too late? But then he weakly exhales. 'You do it,' he whispers. 'I - I don't think I can.' His hand rises limply, attempting to hook under the rim of his helmet and pull it off, but he doesn't quite manage, his fingertips hitting the grey, ragged fabric of his cowl before he collapses further into himself.

'Shit, shit, fucking shit, Din, stay with me!'  You pat the cheek of his helmet. 'Din? Din, STAY WITH ME!'

He jerks, head whipping up as you scream in his face. 'Uh,' he groans. 'Just - just - take it off.'

'But...' You trail off, torn between saving him and breaking his Creed and that deep, aching want to see him, see all of him, complete the imaginary painting of him you've made in your head.

'Getting...' He coughs. 'Getting im - impatient.'

The minute amount of time it takes you to finally make the decision is absolutely abysmal. Hardly a split second passes of your eyes searching his figure, reading his body language as you chew on the inside of your cheek, before you slip your fingers under his helmet and yank it off. For the first few minutes, you're just focused on smearing the bacta on the fucking terrifying cut on his forehead, making sure Din's still breathing, still warm and very much alive under your hands. And then you sit back on your heels and you fucking look.

Shit, he's handsome.

A sharp jaw, dusted lightly with chestnut scruff. Soft brown curls lying perfectly against his forehead, slightly damp with sweat. Lips which you've only ever felt, stars they're enticing. And bloody hell, you've never seen such enchanting eyes. Warm, hazel, sucking you in as you feel your heart burst for this man in front of you.

And then you realise you're staring, and you look away. 'S - sorry, I... I just never really thought I'd ever see...'

'Mesh'la,' he hums, hand reaching out and lightly touching the cheek of your helmet. 'It's okay. You did it to save me.'

Both of you notice his fingertips resting on the cool beskar at the same time. For a second, it's as if you're both suspended in time, everything pausing, time halting its hurtling course just for the two of you. And then you remember how to speak, and you each blurt out a hurried sentence, raising your voice over the other.

'No, mesh'la, don't - '

'I guess it's only fair - '

Maybe he's quick enough to warn you, but he's not quick enough to stop you as you lift two hands to either side of your helmet and yank it off. The beskar rolls to a halt on the floor of the hull. The two of you are locked in each other's gazes, both helmetless and able to see the other for the first time ever. You open your mouth to speak, and Din hurriedly churns out a few words, as, simulaneously, you say the first thing that comes into your mind.

'This never happened - '

'I swear, if you tell anyone - '

You fall silent and look at Din. The warm chuckle that escapes his lips as he touches your cheek makes you melt. Wordless, you hold out your arms, and he complies, touching his lips briefly to your forehead before pulling you close. You tuck your head into the space underneath his chin, worming your hand under his breastplate until you can feel his heart pumping strongly against your fingers.

'Good,' you murmur.


'You're alive.' You look up at him. 'It's only fair.'

He chuckles again, and stars, you're never going to get enough of that sound.

lmfao i'm too english for this shit used the word 'bloody' like 20 times, oh well

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