We'll Go pt. 2

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A/N: requested by MakenaPotter who makes the best fanart like ever, go check her out, (also quite random but we're bringing the Razor Crest into this because BOY do i miss that ship)

Warnings: weapons, swearing, some asshole, me having no time/motivation and therefore writing bullshit

Transalations: beskad = beskar sword

Word count: 1488 (not including the recap)


He shakes his head. 'I didn't know you wanted to get out of here so badly.'

'You thought I was just a spoilt princess, huh?'

'No,' he says quickly. 'Never, Y/N. I... I thought I was just your bodyguard.'

'You're not,' you answer. 'You're way more than that, Mando. You're...' Your voice cracks. 'I trust you with my life, Mando.'

'Then we'll go.' He whispers softly, grabbing your hand. 'We'll go. Together.'

We'll Go pt. 2

Din watches your silhouette as you dart through the corridors, silent footed, in front of him. One of his blasters is clutched in your hand, the glint of the dagger you wore in your hair earlier that night in the other. He wonders if this is impulsive - abducting the princess he was paid to guard, and with no planning. Actually, now he thinks about it, it's very impulsive, but what can he say? You're a beautiful whirlwind of storming fury and resiliance and pure determination and how can he say no to you if you want to go?

As well as all that, your words from earlier circle through his head.
You're way more than that, Mando.
You're way more than that.
You're way more...

A few words, and he's tempted to tell you his whole life story; to tell you his name, just to hear you say it in that beautiful voice; to... to show you his face. He knows he's falling - maybe already fallen - and he's not sure if the rush he gets every time he looks at you is fear of the long way down or if it's something else.


His head snaps up, and he realises he's been lagging behind slightly. 'Sorry,' he replies.

'Getting tired, huh?'


You grin. 'Says you.'

Fuck, he thinks. That smile, the way your nose scrunches up a little. Those eyes, the way they glitter when you smirk at him like that. He prays to all the gods and various deities he knows of that he doesn't get caught and that you'll still want him if you do manage to escape, because now he's met you, he can't imagine life without you any more.

You hold up your fist, the sign he taught you to tell him to stop, and he skids to a halt. Holding a finger to your lips, you raise your blaster before gently easing the back door open. You've lived in this palace your whole life, and you know exactly where the least guarded exit is. Before, back in your quarters, you told him this door was unguarded, hardly thought of as a liability since you could only open it from the inside.

'All clear,' you tell him in hushed tones.

He watches the elation on your face as you slip out into the open air and press yourself to the ivy encrusted wall, still holding the blaster, just the way he taught you. Maker, you make him weak at the knees, without even trying. Quickly, he pinches himself, reminding himself that he has other, more pressing matters to attend to. Already, you've crept ahead, and he hurries after you as you head towards a small door in the back gate of the gardens.

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