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August 27, 3034.

18 days until iPhone 2X6 Launch

Cupertino, California

4:30 AM

"Hey Siri, stop."

Craig got out of his bed and started putting on his daily attire. 

The past week had been stressful. Being the Senior Vice President of Software Engineering at Apple meant that he had a lot of responsibilities. One of which was overseeing the successful launch of the newest iPhone. 

He buttoned up his Sierra Blue dress shirt, which had been the inspiration for the iPhone 13 over a decade ago. 

With September being just around the corner and shipment delays pushing back testing, the whole workforce had been under immense pressure to get the new iPhone 2X6 out on time.

He slipped his jeans on and fastened his belt around his waist.

However, as Craig was preparing his daily avocado toast for breakfast, he sensed that something was off. As he poured his orange juice, he noticed an eerie silence throughout the house. He shrugged it off. It was always quiet in the morning. 

The only person that woke up before Craig on Apple's campus was Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple. Even though an increasing amount of people wanted Craig to take Tim's spot as CEO, Craig still had an immense amount of respect for Tim. 

Craig swallowed the last few bits of his toast and finished his orange juice. He placed his plate and glass cup in the sink. 

He walked across the house and entered the office. He sat down in his chair and stretched himself. Then, he opened his MacBook. 

His eyes widened.

His jaw


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