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"Hello, welcome to The Grind," I sighed. I quickly shut my book - Edgar Allen Poe is my shit - and looked up to be met with a curly haired boy. "May I take your order?" I asked quietly.

He smiled lightly at me before pushing his glasses up a bit. Something about him was very endearing. "Can I get a medium hazelnut chai tea and one slice of banana bread, please?" He asked without a fret in his voice.

"Of course," I smiled as I put his order into the cash register. "Your total is 8.17." He handed me his credit card, which I quickly swiped before passing it back to him.

His eyes flashed to the counter and back to mine. "So, you're a fan of Poe?" He asked as he set a hand down to lean against the counter a bit.

"Um, yeah. He's one of my favorites, actually." I gave him a small smile.

"Really? I don't know many-"

"Mia, who's this?" Tucker slid next to me with a smirk permanently plastered onto his lips.

"Actually, I hadn't found that out yet.." I whispered through clenched teeth as I glared at him.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm Ashton," he grinned widely as he held out his hand. I was about to shake it when Tucker took my hand in his.

"Michaela, why don't you go get Ashton's order ready," he smirked and I was about to protest before he put a finger to my lips. "Just go, Mickey," he whispered. I hated it when he called me that and I wasn't about to let Ashton hear of it. I rushed to get his order, leaving Ashton speechless with Tucker sat there ruining it for me. I had finished mixing his tea and I poured it into a coffee mug before cutting a slice of banana bread. I positioned it on the plate before rushing over to the pick up table. I could hear Ashton awkwardly responding to whatever shit Tucker had said.

"Um, Tucker," I bit my lip. "Ashton's order is ready."

"That was quick," Ashton smiled before walking over to the pick up counter. "So, maybe we can talk more later. Here's my number if you'd ever like to hang or something." I grinned and nodded as he grabbed a napkin and a pen from a nearby counter. He slowly handed it to me with a small smile before thanking me and taking his order to a table.

"Quite the charmer," Tucker smirked at me. I rolled my eyes before returning to my seat and picking up my book. Tucker sauntered off to the back room to probably re-break the cream machine as I found my place on the page.

"Excuse me, miss?"

"Tucker, I swear to g-" I started before realizing it wasn't him. "Oh shit, sorry!" I cringed as I saw Ashton standing there.

"Oh, it's okay. I was just needing a fork," he smiled lightly.

"Yeah, one second," I answered. I started to stand up before my foot got caught on the stool. I stumbled in the least graceful way possible, earning a stifled chuckle from Ashton.

"I'm sorry," he laughed. "That was just.. Very interesting." Ashton nodded his head with a toothless smile.

A tinge of pink explored my cheeks as I muttered an "it's okay" and grabbed a fork from the back counter. I smiled slightly as I turned and walked back to where Ashton stood. "Here you go, Ashton," I said in a sing song voice as he accepted the fork.

"Thank you.. Uhm.." Ashton trailed off.

"You can call me Mia." I gave him a small smile, which he gladly returned.

"Alright, well thanks, Mia," He nodded with a slight smile.


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