chapter 22

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I am bad at maths but I can give the value you deserve!

Nuha sat in one corner of the room with all the people of around her age talking and sharing stories with laughter and anger.

She was being very silent which wasn't her type, she would bang hands on table and keep her words first but now she sat and listen to these people. Zipping her lips with a fake smile.

Rafid saw her change and wanted to ask but couldn't find a proper way and time.

Raatib so wanted to listen her soft voice which held enthusiasm when she share a story but she sat all silent like her body is present but mind absent.

He steal glances to see if she was alright. But at the back of his head he knew why she was in this silence.

Nuha stood with a sigh which got many eyes over her , she smile to everyone.

"I will bring some snacks for you all, anyone want coffee or tea." She explain and everyone said coffee.

She walked to kitchen and started to make coffee, she was keeping the biscuits and sweet in plate when she felt a presence of someone.

She turned to look raatib standing there, leaning over door with an intense gaze. Nuha turned to her work.

Raatib came and poured the coffee in cups, there was silence in kitchen the whole time. No one exchange any words but helped each other.

Nuha held the plates while raatib held the tray of coffee cups. They both walked to the door.

Before they reach the crowd of cousins, raatib in soft gentle voice said.

"Need to speak you come in room." Nuha nodded to raatib who used the same tone which he did last night to break her heart.

Nuha kept the plates on the table and sat among them with a sinister smirk and picked a cup of coffee.

She took a sip while eyeing raatib who nodded slowly with a challenging look over his face, which widen her smirk.

"Nuha are you sure you won't join us?" One of the cousin asked, nuha took a sip and shook her head. Raatib hoped that she won't do what he is thinking.

"I don't know when we all will meet again, so I think I come with you all. Right?" She turned to raatib at last who clenched his jaws and glared her. She smile sweetly.

"Sure. "Raatib said everyone got excited and walked to thier rooms to get ready for the drive and ice cream trip.

Nuha made her way to thier room with a victorious smile.

Raatib sighed running a hand over his perfectly set hairs to make them messy. He is happy to see her this way but he need to speak her.

He walked behind his wife to see what she is up to, it was so sudden for him that how the hell she turned from that sad girl to a devil one. Not that he have a problem.

Nuha kept her phone,some money in a clutch and drape a shawl over her heavy dress. She switched the lights off and open the door.

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