chapter 29

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I got lost in his eyes,
and it was the first time
I felt actually being found...

Nuha sat there still without uttering a word but held a volcano in her.

She blinked her eyes as if she misheard them. Her head spinning as to what they are saying.

She hoped that they are just pulling her leg and not serious. Sadia signalled them to be quite.

Everyone looked her waiting for any movement but she sat there without speaking word staring at a distance.

"Nuha, they are just coming to bless us they really won't harm you nuha, I won't let them-" Raatib tried to explain but stopped seeing tears in her eyes

"You won't! You already hurt me by bringing him here but I didn't uttered a word for he is your guest. Raatib will you stop doing this please. For my sake understand that I am your wife and my past will kill me! Everyone here know how bad those people are for me still..... Still! You are inviting them here. Why? Am I that mess for you that you wanna throw me? Stop playing raatib please..... Please... Please."Nuha walked to her room wiping her tears off her face.

Raatib sighed holding his head in both hands. Everyone tried to speak but a thud stopped them. They snapped to raatib's room window..

"What is she doing? Raatib go!" Safi yelled.

They all walked there to see whole room messed up. Perfume bottle broken on floor, make up products thrown in one corner. Bedsheets on floor. It was as if a storm as passed the room.

Raatib walked in ignoring the calls behind him.he felt his blood drained from his body seeing nuha under shower.

Her bangles out of shower booth, her duppata near his leg, earrings near washbasin. He was scared to face his zalima who looked as same as old nuha.

The girl he saw in safi's arm soaked in water shivering, red nose, puffy eyes few scratches on wrists and almost dead nuha years ago. He feared to do what safi did  years ago.

He didn't want to hold a timid feared nuha ,no.never!. He want a bold beauty in his arms he wanted his zalima who called him zalima ke zalim not raatib.

He blinked few times to clear his vision. He took calculating steps to where she was seated.

All elders walked in room of couple to see devastation written on rafif's face. He didn't want this and that was enough to tell what's happening. He really can't take a broken nuha.

They heard few faint conversation from bathroom but no one dared to walk in.

"Nuha......"Nuha heard her name but didn't bother to look up. She didn't want to. Nuha sat hugging her knees to chest and face hidden.

"Nuha.... It's me your friend.... Zalim remember?"Raatib stood outside the booth wanting her to look at him. And when she did.

It broke him, it stabbed him, it killed him to see her old one. The scared, timid silent nuha hugging her legs all soaked in water, puffy eyes, red nose looking back him....

He slowly sat on his knees and forward his hand in booth. Nuha stared at his hand than him. Raatib nodded.

He saw tears flowing from her eyes, he failed to be husband. Her tears showed him that he failed to be a husband.

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