chapter 24

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I am bad at maths but I can give the value you deserve!

Nothing could stop nuha from smiling like a maniac now, that grin didn't dare to move an inch.

Raatib couldn't see her face but feel it by her heart beat which was beating at different pace.

That moment he felt like he won an Oscar award, he could hear her heart beat against his.  They both stood in each other's arm. Hearing thier heart and feeling them for the first time.

For the first time they stood so close after marriage and it felt different from that of when they stood before.

Raatib tighten his hold pulling her more to him as if want her to be this near. Nuha held his shirt over the troso and closed her eyes filling happy and satisfied. Although her hands were under the shawl.

Atleast she had a hug with her love, she could feel his heat radiating from his body which warmed her. Making her feel on cloud nine.

They both knew that if a person would listen what they did last night what are they doing today they would think it is stupid and they should just stop all this.

But what they don't know is this is what they feel for them. For each other, they know that it was a stupidity of them not clearing and not speaking thing out.

When raatib asked some time from nuha, she gave knowing that he will not chicken out. That is the trust nuha have for raatib since the day she saw him in anger that day.

"I guess I should show you more."raatib told in heavy husky voice that nuha shivered under his breathe.

Nuha took a step back but again he pulled her to his chest,She looked up to him as he looked down at her with a secret smirk.

"I think we should do that tomorrow, for now let's stay a bit longer. "

"We can stay this way forever you know." Nuha replied making him chuckle, nuha smile when raatib's body vibrate.

"Nuha you will give some time right?" Raatib asked fearing she wouldn't.

"You can, take as much as  time you need I would never raise a finger, but-" Nuha paused.

Raatib frown and move back to see her face which was a little red but she was looking directly in his eyes which screamed fear and concern.

"But, what  if anyone of us get harm? Right?" He asked tilting his to look at his face but she shook her head.

"I am scared what if something happen to you or if you God forbid.......... I really hope it really isn't that dangerous. "She told her concern which bought a smile on his face.

"You really think anyone  will do something to your shohar, zalima?" Nuha stared at him for a minute and shook her head confused.

"Nothing is gonna happen zalima, you will have me for you whole life."He said brushing his nose against her nose.

"By the way, how come you will sit in one place till I say you, we all know how much of big curious cat you are." Raatib said with a grin, nuha rolled her eyes.

"Now, will you show what else you bought?"Nuha asked trying to wriggle out.

"Nuha I couldn't bring something fancy like gold or diamond. I wish I could but I was so confused, I even took an advice from that rafid who was good for nothing. I will take you tomorrow and get what you want tomorrow I really didn't want to bring something that didn't go with you. "Nuha giggled and nodded.

"Whatever you bring is what I wanted." Nuha said looking in his eyes which shine with gratitude.

"Whatever, show me what you got for me." Nuha asked from one feet to other eyeing behind raatib.

Now that's what I was talking about." Raatib told and moved aside allowing her to go and see the bags.

She rushed and sat on couch with a grin and took out the shawl, her eyes shine with excitement and adoration.

She moved her fingers on the soft shawl likeas if it would get stained. She looked up at raatib who was looking at her with a smile, leaning over the vanity table.

"They are beautiful raatib."Nuha said looking at the shawls.


Next day, all were seated on lounge chilling and waiting for the cups of tea and coffee to arrive.

Nuha was seated between the  girls and looking at photos of thier grand nikkah.

They all were seated when razia walked to them.

"Nuha,  can you come with me?"Razia with a steel face and walked away.

Nuha looked around confused  she stood and walked behind razia.

When she entered the she could feel a thick tension in room.

She looked around to see only ladies of middle age seated. Razia walked and sat among one the ladies.

"Nuha, I will ask you a question answer me honestly."Razia warned nuha gulped looking around.

"Where will you be going for your honeymoon?"Nuha  was taken a back by the question and went red in minutes and looked to floor.

"Nuha speak up, we wouldn't company you there."Dua said coming in the room.

"We haven't decided that yet." Nuha said every one in the room inhaled a deep breath.

"What did he gave you for wedding night?"Dua asked with narrow eyes. Nuha wanted the ground to open up and  swallow her right than and there.

Much to her embarrassment her husband walked in. Every women turned to him with a pointed look.

"Oh groom!! Walk in."Razia said with a pointed look.

"What you gave her on wedding night?"Dua repeated her question. Raatib turned to his wife who was turned crimson looking anywhere than him.

"Bhabhi....... I gave something which we can't say. It will make things awkward." Raatib explain slowly.

"We all know, you just answer us." One of her paternal aunt asked.

"I gave her shawls, she is fond of them, but momma I tried to bring something fancy but couldn't." This made all  the aunties and Dua slapped their heads.

"I will take her out and bring something she will like."raatib said and looked to his wife who turned a darker shade of red.

"If you won't take her in an hour you know the circumstances." Razia warned them both.

Nuha and raatib nodded and almost ran out.they stood out of the room and looked at each other.

"That was pathetic." Commented raatib.  Nuha was about to answer.

"I can you you boy!"Razia yelled from inside. They both wide eyed rushed to their room saying sorry.


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