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Peniel's POV

I sighed when I heard Yejin sobbing while her face was buried in my shoulder. The bus made another stop and a group of teenagers got on the bus. They all gave a strange glance to Yejin.

«Ya, Kim Yejin, sober up. People would think I made you like that.» I told her, but I'm really worried.

She just moaned and punched my shoulder.

«Ow! What the-» I sighed again. «Stop crying because of him already. He's not worth it.» I said and looked away.

«I'm just drunk.» she said in a low voice.

«Drunk actions are a human's sober desire.» I glanced at her. «You gotta move on.» I said.

«Yeah...» she said, still in a low voice.

«I'll help you.» I said, but she didn't answer. She was already sleeping. I smiled and tucked the hair behind her ears gently. «You keep looking on other guys. Can't you just come to me?»

But I know I couldn't say those words to her when she's sober.

Her parents were wondering why she was drunk and asked me if she had a problem, but I just told them a friend of ours came back home after a year so we celebrated. They didn't ask for more and thanked me before I leave.


Yejin approached me smiling the next morning in school.

«Woah, no hangover?» I asked.

She smirked. «I took a medicine. It's amazing. My head ache was gone in like... less than five minutes.» she said.

What about your heartache? «Good then. Do you know that I had to carry you last night? Lose some weight. You're so heavy.»

She frowned. «You know, I'm glad I have fats in my body. Like, what the hell even! Why do all girls are trying to get flat tummies? Even Aphrodite's body wasn't so perfect but she was considered as the goddess of beauty!»

I laughed. «And you're using Aphrodite to cover your baby fat-»

«Shut up! This is real talk.»

«Are you sure you're alright? You don't remember anything from last night?» I asked.

«Of course, I know what happened last night.» She said and looked at me in the eyes. My heart started beating so loud. What if she heard what I said last night? «My mum told me you brought me home.» she added.

I let out a deep sigh. «Right, who else would take you home?»

She frowned and pinched my nose which annoys me but I love it when she does it. Strange huh?


It was lunch break when we met again. We shared table with Hyunsik, Jieun, and Ilhoon.

«So, do you guys have your partners for the prom already?» Jieun asked.

I almost choked on my food. «Prom?» I repeated.

Yejin smirked. «Why? You don't have a date yet? Poor Peniel. Nobody must want to be your date.»

I frowned. I didn't actually give it so much thought. «What? But I always see cards and gifts in his locker.» Hyunsik said.

«Really? Why didn't you tell me?» she asked me.

I smirked. «As if you'll believe me.»

She frowned and I had a little hope she would be jealous but, of course, she's still my best friend and she wouldn't feel like that. «So you eat all the chocolates and all the yummy foods they give you? All alone?! What are friends for?»

I shook my head as the others laughed.


I was bothered for the rest of the day. I keep on thinking about the upcoming prom... like a girl. I ran my hands through my hair then I started writing on a paper.

Have a prom date yet?

I crumpled it and threw it to Yejin who's trying her best to keep her eyes open.

A smile crept on my face when it hit her head and she was startled.

She picked up the paper and quickly turned to me after reading. I grinned although she's frowning. She wrote on it and waited for the teacher to face the whiteboard before hitting my face.


I chuckled and slowly wrote,


I was about to throw it again towards her when I saw a red paper airplane flying towards her. She frowned again and turned to me but I just shook my head. She seemed to understand it wasn't me because she calmed her facial expression.

I watched her open it carefully. I'm dying to know what it was.

Recognizing Love: BTOB Peniel ✔Where stories live. Discover now