✖Chapter 12✖

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Yejin's POV

I brushed my long straight hair after drying it, then I let my hair bangs fall. I usually clip my hair bangs and put my hair in a bun or a ponytail. I awkwardly put a light lipstick and mascara on my eyelashes. I squealed when I looked at myself in the mirror, then I laughed... alone.

Geez, I must be going crazy.

I wore a nice light pink sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. «At least, I look like a normal girl now.» I whispered.

I took a deep breath and went out of my room.

«Time for breakfas- oh, wow.» My brother said.

I grinned. «What did mom prepare?»

«What happened to you?» he asked then touched my forehead. «Are you sick?»

I glared at him. «Ya, Kim Minwoo, I'm still older than you. Stop talking to me like that.»

He frowned then served a plate for me. «You look human, by the way.» he said.

I just shook my head, then smiled.

My parents leave for work early so it's always just us two for breakfast.

«I guess that's what Peniel hyung can do to you huh?»

I coughed at what he said. «What?!»

He smirked. «You think I didn't see you two last night? Seems like you just started dating-»



«Don't tell mom and dad... yet.»

«Oh, I won't...» then he added, «in one condition,»

I groaned and rolled my eyes. «What? What!»

«Tell Peniel hyung to come and play with me. It's been a while... and buy me snacks once you get home.»

I frowned, but I realized he misses Peniel too. How many days did that idiot disappear? Even my parents started asking about him and I didn't know how to respond.

«Okay, then.»

«But you gotta tell mom and dad.» he said.

«I will... in time.»


I suddenly feel so nervous walking into the school. Almost everyone's looking at me like I'm an alien or something.

I almost jumped when someone grabbed my arm. «Girl!!!! You look so pretty!»

I smiled when I saw Jieun.

Her eyes widened. «Oh my God...»


She stopped in front of me and looked at my face. «Your aura seems different.»

I couldn't help but laugh.

«Omg! Omg! What happened? I don't even know what's happening to you now. I've been busy studying for the finals.»

«Uh... I...»

«Kim Yejin!»

My heart skipped a beat when I heard him call me. He always called me like that, but why does it feel different now?

He ran towards us. His jaw dropped when he saw me closely. «What... why...» he put up my hair bangs and touched my forehead like what my brother did.

Jieun laughed. «I know! I know! I think she's trying to impress someone!!!» she said excitedly.

I glared at her. Peniel smirked. I feel so embarrassed right now...

Recognizing Love: BTOB Peniel ✔Where stories live. Discover now