Another Universe 2

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"Our new fifth year students should be arriving very soon!" Dumbledore shouted over the talking students in the great hall

"What is that.."

Everyone looked up just as dean was, and what he was pointing out was a purple portal right above the middle of the great hall

They heard faint screaming and a few seconds later, a blonde boy fell out of it and landed on the floor, next came a redhead, a broccoli, a blueberry, and a pretty looking girl

Lastly was a Neapolitan ice cream looking boy who looked calmer than the others

"I'm never trusting Aizawa again!"

"Who would? He fucking pushed us into some cult shit type of thing!"

"It's a portal dummy"

"Bro shut the fuck up"

The 6 people standing finally noticed the other students in the room

"This must be the school we're transferring to!"

"You are right Ms. Yaoyorozu! This is Hogwarts and you'll be transferring here for a little bit!" Dumbledore smiled

"How do you know our names?!" Midoriya yelled

"I'm the headmaster who invited you here! Anyway you will have to be sorted into your houses first!"

"Houses? The hell?" Katsuki cursed confusedly

"Yes! I'm going to call your names and you can come up to be sorted! Bakugou Katsuki!"

Katsuki walked up and sat on the stool with his arms crossed

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted after a little bit

The said house clapped as the boy walked angrily to the green side

"Momo Yaoyorozu!"

She walked and sat down, a second later a surprised expression showed up on her face


She walked over to the blue side, being greeted by her housemates

"Shoto Todoroki!"

The nonchalant boy walked up to the hat and waited

"SLYTHERIN!" It shouted again

"Tenya Iida!"

The boy pulled up his glasses and sat down politely

"RAVENCLAW!"  (I didn't know whether to put Iida in ravenclaw or gryffindor 😭

He walked over to the blue table along with Momo

"Eijirou Kirishima!"

The shark tooth boy walked up to the hat like his friends before and sat


And lastly was

"Izuku Midoriya!"

And like the 5 kids before him he walked, sat and waited


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