"I never miss" 2

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"Where are you Katsuki?" Came Yuuga's voice from his earpiece

"Outside the club, do you know when he's coming out?"

"In a minute."

And then walks out a tall man, maybe 5'10 or so, white hair, freckles and an expensive suit on.

Katsuki couldn't lie, this man was hot. But he had to focus at the task at hand.

As the man began to walk away he aimed the gun but when he looked back he was gone. Katsuki lowered the gun slightly, and in that moment he felt someone behind him

He turned around quickly and pointed the gun to whomever was behind him

"Well hello, you're the leader of the White Assassins right?" Izuku said

Katsuki didn't respond and aimed his gun at the man's head

"Woah don't shoot, I'm a fan!" Izuku chuckled

"I could care less, now let's make this easy and just let me kill you." Katsuki stated

"No can do, and since this might be hard I'm gonna have to use force." Izuku explained while pulling out a tranquilizer

"Yuuga, get everyone here right now" Katsuki whispered into his earpiece

"Mkay, should I get there too?"

"Yeah sure."

Katsuki turned his attention back to the extremely attractive man standing in front of him

"Well what is it gonna be?" Izuku asked

Katsuki wasn't gonna give up. He aimed the gun at the man's leg and shot.

"AH SHIT! Fuck! I see you want this to be difficult, little shit!" Izuku panted and smirked

Katsuki was surprised when five other people walked up from behind Izuku and at the same time so did his squad

"You aren't getting away with this." Kirishima warned

Katsuki's group started to run as they heard sirens in the distance, with Izuku's following close behind.

"Momo create an exit!" Sero shouted


Suddenly a portal appeared and they jumped from the building they were on into the portal, little did they know Izuku's gang had jumped after them

"Get the hell out!" Katsuki shouted as he ordered his team to stay on guard

"Put the damn guns down, we just want to talk to you!" Izuku yelled back

They didn't lower their guns.

"Listen, after we heard about you guys we were intrigued, and wanted to know if you want to join us!"

"Join you bastards?! No way in hell!"

"We're rich and can pay for anything you need!"

"If we work as a big group, there's a high chance of us getting caught!"

"We'll make sure to keep everyone safe!"

"...What do you want in return?.."


"If you "need" us then what do you want us to give you!"

"Nothing! Really!"

Katsuki hesitantly lowered his gun, he looked at the people in front of him

"Okay, but do anything shitty and I'll kill you all!"

They drove to their place, which was a huge mansion

"You live here?!" Yuuga yelled in astonishment

"Yeah, is something thing wrong?" Iida asked

"It's fucking huge!" Sero shouted

"Why'd you aim for my leg?" Izuku asked smirking

"No reason." Katsuki said a little too quickly to be true

"Then why'd you miss?"

"Excuse you, I never miss"

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