Ship: dekubaku Description: Royalty au, prince Katsuki meets and falls in love with the Knight that protects the castle. Type: fluff
"Katsuki, how many times do I have to tell you, get to bed! You have classes tomorrow!" Queen Mitsuki shouted at her stubborn son
"But mom, I already had classes today!" He complained again
"I don't care! Go!"
Katsuki just gave up and went back to his room with a soft stomp and a quiet groan of annoyance.
Most kids his age had regular classes, and got breaks on weekends, but he had to work every single day from 9am to 5pm.
Katsuki's POV:
It was night and everyone was asleep, I was tired of my mom keeping me inside everyday. The fact that I had not spoken to anyone my age in all my time of living was just sad!
So I put on some casual clothes, tied some covers together, and jumped down on the grass.
I had really never been outside the castle and I had no idea where to go, there was two paths. On the right to what looks like a town, and the left a sandy beach.
I knew nobody in the town so I walked to beach.
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His outfit bc I like
As I was about to go and sit or something, I heard voices. I'd estimate about six, so I just ran behind a tree to see who was there
There indeed was six kids, one with pink hair, two with black hair, one with bright purple hair, a yellow haired, and one kid with the greenest hair I've ever seen, not that I've seen someone with green hair before.
I felt slightly overwhelmed, they were kids but they looked strong, but I could beat them...maybe.
As I was about to retreat I stepped on a twig, a goddamn twig, of fucking course.
"Hey, who's there!" Shouted one of the kids with black hair though he had red eyes, like mine but lighter
"Uh- sorry I didn't mean to disturb you all." I stepped out from where I was hiding
"Step into the light." Said the pink haired girl strongly
As soon as they got a glimpse of my face their jaws dropped
"You're- You're Prince Katsuki! Holy shit!" The other black haired and the Yellow haired guy shouted
"Uh yeah! I didn't realize people knew who I was!" I scratched my neck and cursed myself out for sounding like a loser
"How old are you?" The green haired boy said in a soft but firm voice
I felt blush creep on my face, if a voice could be clouds this kid would take the cake.
"Im seven! Also what are your names?"
"Im Mina Ashido, also we're all the same age!"
"Sero Hanta."
"Denki Kaminari!"
"Kyoka Jiro."
"Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you!"
"Uh- Izuku Midoriya."
I smiled warmly at the rest of the group, maybe I could make some friends!
"Well uh- why are you guys out here?" I asked sitting down in the sand next Eijiro
"We're training to become Knights!" Kami answered
"That's cool! All my training includes learning how to sit without slouching or how to make decisions for when I become King."
"Wow..I can't believe we met the prince!" Jirou grinned
I chuckled and looked at my watch, 2 am
I sighed "Will you guys be here tomorrow?" I asked
"Yeah, we come here everyday!" Izu answered
"Well I've got to go, considering I have training almost all day, bye!"
Hm. I liked those kids..maybe I'll sneak out more often.