No damsel in distress

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Ship: dekubaku
Description: magic au, King of tribe Green, Izuku Midoriya meets the Mysterious King of tribe Orange.
Type: idk at this point

King Izuku sat at the table surrounded by all the other kings and Queens, King Yagi of all tribes at the end of the table. They needed to go alert all tribes of the intruders, the LOV.

Almost all of them were here, all except King Bakugou. King Bakugou never attended tribe meetings and no one really heard of him.

So in short, King Yagi sent all 19 other tribe leaders to fetch the mysterious King.

"How will we even know he will come with? He's never come to Tribal meetings before?" Queen Momo said with confusion

"Maybe we can persuade him?" Izuku asked

King Iida pursed his lips, "It will be very difficult, after all he rarely comes out of his village."

Izuku put on a determined mask and commanded his milky white horse farther into unfamiliar woods.

When they got to beginning of Orange territory, they stopped for a short break.

"I think I might die in this warmth.." King Kaminari groaned weakly as he gulped down his water

"Please, it's literally 70 degrees." Queen Mina rolled her eyes and laughed with Queen Kyoka

But onwards to Kings and Queens trotted, as they came to a stop they could hear the bustling of people and music not too far away.

"It seems there's not guards around? He can't simply have no protection?" King Shoji exclaimed for everyone

"Don't judge a book by its- AGH-!" Izuku started before getting tackled by a mysterious force

Izuku was pinned down by someone, while the rest of the Kings and Queens were cornered

"Oh wait! Your the other tribal leaders!" The mysterious person who was pinning Izuku down exclaimed

"Stand down!" The person shouted at the stone soldiers to which they did and backed down in sync.

The person took off their hood, it was indeed King Bakugou. Izuku peered up at the other King with heart eyes. He had never seen someone so beautiful.

"Sorry!" Bakugou grinned before getting off Izuku and pulling him up

Iida cleared his throat, "Sorry to disturb you, but King Yagi has sent us here to retrieve you for an important tribal meeting."

Bakugo sucked his teeth a little before starting,

"Oh! Is it bout those LOV fuckers?" He asked

"Oh yes!" Izuku explained "They are trying to take over the Yuuei Kingdom!"

They all got annoyed by this.

"Well I know where they're hiding, I was just about to send a letter to King Yagi!" They all looked at Bakugou confused but followed him into his village

"Here let us go to the castle, some of the children might be around so don't alarm them."

As they walked farther into the friendly village, people were bustling by, children running around playing games and people running to get to work or greet the Kings and Queens.

"Your village is beautiful..." Kirishima exclaimed to which Sero agreed instantly

While everyone admired the things around them, Izuku and Bakugou couldn't keep their from wandering to the other.

"How did you establish such a breathtaking place?" Izuku asked  admirably

"Hard work and caution."

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