Chapter 3- new home

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Daniel's POV:

"Okay sir, you will soon have Amelia, your wife has already signed the papers it is just you who will need to sign these papers." Amelia's social worker says kindly.

"Okay, thank you." I reply with a whole-heartedly grin. I sign the adoption papers...

I still see Amelia with her best friend, I walk towards them, hoping I haven't interrupted anything.

"Hey Amelia, hope I haven't interrupted anything, I just wanted to say that we have signed the adoption papers and in about a few weeks time I will come and pick you up so pack your bags and get ready" I kindly say and smile whole-heartedly.

"Umm, excuse me sir, sorry to be rude but my Amelia will stay here with me because I can't live without her and we have always been there for each other, so please go away and adopt somebody else." Cameron says sternly yet quietly.

"Cameron! Please don't mess this up for me I really want this" Amelia says pleadingly

"Listen Amelia, if you don't want us to adopt you then I completely respect your decision and we will never come here again" I say, trying to make her understand that I will never hurt her in any way.

"No,no please don't, Cameron's just protecting me, please don't take it at heart, he just cares for me and we have been friends ever since we were two years old. I also need parents to care for me to I,I,I really like you and you would seriously be an amazing father to me." She pleads me

"It's okay Amelia, I understand" I calmly say. "Well I guess it's time for me to go, I'll come back to you in two weeks time" I grin at her

"Promise?" She asks me quietly.

"I pinky swear" I hold my pinky out, letting her wrap her pinky round mines.

"Bye... father??" She says, confused

"Yes, you can call me father" I chuckle to myself. "Man, you're just too cute" I kiss her forehead longingly.

It would be amazing to actually have her as my daughter, she is well mannered, caring and just too loveable it's almost like a dream come true, it honestly doesn't feel real...

Cameron's POV:

Urgh! What is he trying to do? Does he really wanna wreck my life despite the fact I told him everything he still never listens, urghhhh he's just a bloody dog! I just wish I would stay with Amelia we were best friends for like years and now she will be distant from me. I really want to cry 😩😭😢 Amelia interrupts me...

"Cameron, are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" She exclaims

"Huh?" I say completely confused

"Urgh! I was saying we should meet every other week so you wouldn't miss me too much!" She laughs whole heartedly

"Oh haha, very funny!" I say sarcastically

"Aren't you happy for me? I finally have my ideal father, he's really nice and caring, I bet he's gonna spoil me to bits." She says excitingly

"Aww if course bæ it's just I'm going to really miss you, I don't ever want to let you go." I say lovingly

"Aww, that's why I was thinking we could always meet every other week, I mean I need to spend some time with my new family too you know and I really hope you understand." She replies lovingly.

"Can I have a kiss?" I pout and laugh

"Haha, of course!" She replies with a cute giggle and kisses me the way I kissed her, her soft strawberry plump lips meet mine.

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