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There's no way he was dead. He was just living yesterday. Maybe it's a cruel joke on you. Yeah! A cruel.. sick... "joke"..

Your heart broke into a million pieces that day. It was like your world came to a sudden halt.

Any energy you thought you had, was sucked out of your body. He was your everything. Your sun. Your best friend. Your partner in crime. Your.. first love.. somewhere along the years of your friendship you grew a crush on him. You thought it was a phase and that it was only because he was your only friend at the time.

That was no where near the case. As time went by your "small" crush grew to something much more. Everytime you saw him your stomach fluttered with butterflies, your face felt warm, and it was like your mind went fuzzy.

Truth be told. You were going to confess to him that day... You still had feelings for him but you pushed them down and locked them away.

His death made you numb. Your parents tried everything untill they couldn't anymore.

"Y/N! WHY CAN'T YOU GET OVER IT? ITS BEEN MONTHS!" your father's voice rang through your head.

" You're like going crazy and, that's messing up my rep y'know? So we can't hang until you stop acting like.. that" Your ex best friend said gesturing to you.

" Y/N dear, I'm so sorry I know it's hard and I'll always be here for you. But please you're only hurting yourself." Your sister said quietly as she held you in her arms.
Dabi POV:

" Dabi you coming? Stay there for all I care!" Twice argued with himself. Dabi was beyond tired and used to Twice's antiques.

" Dabi! You're back home" Toga exclaimed full of glee

" This isn't my home." Dabi thought as he continued his walk to his room.


"Keigo baby.. he didn't make it." His mother said quietly.

"... What?"

"They found his jaw bone.."

"You're lying.." He said "This has to be a joke? Right??" He kept repeating. "NO! NO! THIS IS ONE OF HIS PRANKS! HAHA HA! Alright Touya! You can come out you got me!"

Poor little bird. You learn later in life that there are no jokes in this world. Everything falls into place like little puzzle pieces. No one noticed anything. Not when the bandages appeared in larger quantities. When he became .ore and more irritable. More squeamish. More sensitive. When he would lash out or dread going home.

He saw everything that went on in that house. He saw his father hit his mother and siblings. He was the one protecting them. He was the one that made the sacrifices for them. He was the one that failed his father. He failed his family. It was his fault he got replaced.

Normally he would cry but with the burned tear ducts the only thing that would come out was blood.

Bloody tears. The blood that would stain his hands and sheets. It was hell getting it out the sheets.

He'd quickly learned that cold water did the trick. He often wished he'd asked you to come with him,but seeing where he is now he wouldn't want you do follow the path with him.

You were too valuable to be doing such cruel and violent things, he thinks this almost as if he doesn't do said things.

The knock on the door followed by the sound of it creaking open. He didn't bother turning around hw could care less for who was at the door. "Psst, Dabs! Kurogiri went on a grocery run are you hungry?" Toga whisper yelled. Her hands cupping her mouth as if it was some super secret of what she had to say.

"No thanks. And stop calling me that." Dabi replied monotonously. Straight faced as if he wasn't just bleeding from his tear ducts.

The league should mind their fucking business why are they so fucking worried about him? The league was a big family in Toga's words.

Twice was by far his favorite,kept him amused. Toga was the one that reminded him of home no matter how much he tried denying it. And Shigaraki well, he was just the weirdo cousin. Kurogiri was a better father figure than the fucked up abusive one he had. Compress was also entertaining to him. He used to like talking to Magne, before the incident. Spinner was the least of his worries if he had to put it. He needed everyone there for his plan for his father.

They were priorities in the plan. They were all needed an served a purpose. The time was coming and approaching quickly.

Every minute he did nothing was a minute wasted on taking revenge. Everyone deserved to know what Endeavor did to him and his family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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