Lee Know

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       "Thank you come again." I said as I handed the customers their flowers. It was pretty dead, well until, "Hannie you are coming out tonight." My best friend Felix said as he walked into my shop, being as loud as ever. 

       "Not happening Felix. Last time, we almost went to the hospital." I said, walking around the counter to water some plants. He groaned, I watched him jump up on the counter to sit.

     "Oh but come on. My boyfriend wants to meet you." He is dating some rapper, "Come on, you are no fun anymore." He said, I looked up at him, "I am fun, I just don't see the need to get shit faced every night." Felix clicked his tongue, "We aren't getting shit faced, just come on. I'll pick you up at eight." He jumped down from the counter, walking over to me, kissing my cheek then left.

        "I never have a say." I sighed, listening to the soft music playing. The rest of the day I had a few more customers walk in. Closing up shop, I made my walk home, stopping by the store for dinner. Getting home, around 5, I put on my apron and started to cook dinner. Once dinner was cooked, I sat down at the table, and sighed. Felix is right, I don't have fun anymore, I'm 23 and this is my life. I own a flower shop, single, and live alone in my apartment, no dog even.

      Finishing dinner and cleaning up I headed to shower and get ready for bed when my front door was opened. I yelled from my room, "I gave you that key for emergencies only!" I looked at Felix and a man, guessing its his boyfriend.

      "I told you I was getting you at 8." I rolled my eyes, "I though we both would forget." I said, walking out to them, "No. Go get changed. Better yet I'll help you." He pushed me back into my room.

      "Lixie come on." He looked at me as I sighed and sat on my bed, he went through my closet. Until I felt clothes hit my face, "You know I have to open the shop tomorrow." "Live a little Hannie. Now get changed." He left my room, no doubt going through my food. I said some words under my breath as I got changed. Walking out, in a black skirt -that I had hidden for a reason- and a long sleeve shirt he picked out.

     "You look hot." Lix said, with food in his mouth. "Hi, I am Changbin." He stuck out his hand, taking it and shaking it. I looked at my best friend who took more food into his mouth.

   "I am Hannie. Nice to meet you." I smiled at him, he is a good three inches taller than me.

   "Ready?" Felix said with food still in his mouth, I hit my forehead. Walking to my front door, I grabbed my keys, and shoes putting them on.

      "Yeah!" He cheered as we left my apartment. Getting to Changbin's car which was super nice, "Now the night starts." He says as we drove off, I sat in the backseat not knowing what is going on or where we were going.

    Finally, after an hour of driving we got to a drained out river bank.

   "Can we be here?" I asked as we got out, "Yeah." He was so happy, he grabbed my hand, wrapping his fingers with mine, pulling me to the front of the car. Looking down at a bunch of people with cars, "Whoa." I said, looking at him as we went down to them.

     "What about Changbin?" I asked, "He will meet us down there." He said, walking down to the rest of the people.

       "Hey Lix you made it!" Someone yelled at him, "Jinnie!" He yelled back as we got closer 'Jinnie' pulled him in for a hug, "Jinnie this is my best friend Hannie, Hannie this is Hyunjin." He said, I shook his hand, "Just in time, Lee Know is racing Playboy." Felix cheered as we went to the front of the car. Jinnie was next to me, "What do you mean by racing?" I asked, "Watch." He moved my chin to the two cars down the road, a girl stood in between them. Then in a blink of an eye they were off, my head followed them as they drove past us super fast.

     "Lee Know won again!" Jinnie cheered, clapping, I was still in awe at what just happened.

    Soon 'Lee Know' pulled up in front of us, Hyunjin walked up to him, "Dude you did great." They did a hand shake, I noticed Lee Know get out, he had a tattoo going up his neck, and all down his arms.

      "That's Lee Minho, aka Lee Know. Changbin and him are good friends, and roommates." Felix whispered into my ear, "Sly Fox is racing next." I heard someone say, "Who is Sly Fox?" I asked Felix, "That's Yang Jeongin, our youngest." He pointed to an all black car with emerald green details.

     "Whoa. So this is what you do at night." He smiled at me, "Hey Lix glad you could make it tonight." I looked forward and saw Lee Know, I mean Lee Minho.

     "I mean I have missed the last two nights. Hey Min this is my best friend in the whole wide world, Hannie. Hannie this is Lee Minho aka Lee Know." He smiled at me, I put my hand out to shake, "Nice to finally meet you." He grabbed it and kissed my knuckles. I was blushing hard.

     "Its nice to meet you as well." I smiled, "Oh Min, you know since it's their first time, you have to take them for a spin." I swear my eyes are going to bust out of my head, he has the dumbest ideas ever.

    "I would love too." He smiled at me, "We can go after the race." He came and stood next to me. In a flash the race had started, and ended, Sly Fox got out and Hyunjin went up to him as they hugged.

     "You ready?" Minho asked me, "I guess so." I handed my keys to Felix as we walked to his car, he opened the door for me. Once in, the seatbelt was a harness, Minho got in, I heard him chuckle.

   "Need help?" I nod my head yes, he helped me buckle in, his hands passing my chest every so often.

    "Sorry if I touched you." I shook my head no, he went back to his seat then he got buckled in.

   "You ready?" I nod my head as I grabbed the belt to hold on to something.

   "You will be okay." I looked over at him, he had a smile on his face, then he started the car.

      We were going so fast, I watched everything pass us by, I also watched as his hand moved on the stick shift. The street lights lit up his face, he is so pretty. When we got back to Felix, Minho helped me out, "What did you think?" He asked, "It was pretty cool." I said. Just then we heard someone yell, Felix grabbed me and we got into Changbin's car fast and we were out of there.

     "So this is what you do?" I asked as we got back to my apartment, "Yeah. Come with us next week, Min and the Great King are racing. The Great King, races for a different part of town, but sometimes we have a big race. Min was lucky enough to make it into the big race." "Oh okay." "I'll pick you up, Binnie has a show." He hugged me, "Okay." Letting go, he left to Changbin's car as I went inside.


Tell me what you think about the first chapter, it's just intro and some little background to the characters 

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