What if that was real?

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   We are going to have a flashback, and learn more about the past, it will all be in Hannie's pov, the italic means it's a flashback. But I will also say it's a flashback. Also it's around 1,500 words, so it's long.


Hannie POV

   The next two weeks are going to be slow as fuck. I wanted to rip my eyes out by the third day, I missed Minho more than anything, and I think it's becoming unhealthy. But Felix told me it's okay, he reminded me when he would go back to Australia, I was the same way. And he also says I am in love. Sighing as I sat on the top of his hood, watching Innie race, "Why the sigh? Sly Fox is winning." Lixie spoke, chipping off my finger nail polish, "I love Minho, and I don't know how to handle it. I just don't want to give him my full heart, only for him to break it." Staring at the crowd of people that came up to Innie's car, but all he cared about was Hyunjin, who greeted him with a kiss.

     "Hannie." Looking at Lixie, feeling tears welled up in my eyes, "I love him, he means the world to me." I wasn't crying out of happiness, but more out of sadness and frustration. Lixie pulled me in for a hug, but I kinda of blocked out everything he said. Then things went black.


     "You think, we will be together forever?" I asked with the biggest smile ever, my face hurt.

      "Of course, Jisungie. I will love you no matter what! I will always find you and be by your side." Minho said, kissing my forehead, "I want to own a flower shop, a big one with a big greenhouse, and an area for strawberries." Laying my head on his shoulder, listening to him hum, "Strawberries, for homemade strawberry milk?" Looking over at him, humming and nodding happily.

      "Okay, I promise to get you a flower shop with a whole area for strawberries." His hand was on my face, "I promise, Princess." My face started to heat up, "Minnie." Turning my face away, to hide, when he pulled me in closer, "No, I want to see." Then my face was attacked with kisses. "I love you." I said, kissing his lips, "I love you more." Kissing back, "Minho it's time to go!" Listening to Minho's dad call out, Felix came outside, "Do you really have to leave?" I asked, he pulled me closer to him, "Felix will be with you. He will look after you, and I promise I will be back. It's only for a month, Lix will love having you here with him." Watching him smile at me as tears packed my eyes, "Please don't go." "I have to Hannie, we will see each other again when school starts. My mom also has to see me." He kissed my nose, "I love you, and do I ever break one of my promises." Shaking my head no, "See, so then you will see me again. And we can watch any anime you pick, only this time." 

      Giggling at him, "Minho, let's go!" His dad yelled at him, "I'll walk you out." I said, grabbing his hand, playing with his ring on his middle finger. His dad didn't look happy, but was he ever happy, I think he hates me. Sighing, "I love you, you better come back to me in one piece." Wiping some tears, I felt a kiss on my hand, "You will see me again, I love you too Hannie." Pulling him in for a hug, I tired not to cry hard, "I love you Minnie." "I love you Hannie." Giving him a fast kiss, because his dad was growing inpatient.

      "Bye love." Waving at him, "Bye Princess, I will see you soon." "Get in the car Minho, and stop calling him girly fucking names. He is a man." His dad spit at him, Minho got in the car and I held in my tears. Watching them drive away fucking sucked, I cried in Lixie's arms that night.

      "Hey, why don't we go to the corner store and buy ice cream? Mum will let us." Nodding my head a little bit, "Okay. But you are paying." Listening to him giggle, "Sure." Wiping my face, we make our way downstairs, but it was quiet, "Mum?" Lixie called out, no answer. Walking into the kitchen we saw a note, "Left to the store, be back in a bit." He heard out, "Maybe we should wait for her to get back." I said, something is up, his mom will tell us if she is leaving.

      "Nah, it's okay, she won't even know we are gone." "Lixie, let's wait." He looked at me, "Um okay, just this once, let's give it an hour. If she isn't home, then we go to the corner store for ice cream. Deal?" "Deal." We waited an hour, no one showed up, then I noticed Lixie was starting to get worried, "Maybe she got stuck in traffic." Nodding my head, "Should be wait a little longer?" He asked, "It is up too you, she maybe stuck in traffic, the corner store is two minutes away." Both of us nodding our heads, something just left off.

      He stood up from the couch, "Let's make it fast. In and out." Nodding, we grab our shoes, and then head out the door, not forgetting to lock it. Grabbing Lixie's hand, we made our way to the 7/11. We were in and out fast, with our ice cream, until everything went black.

      Waking up to my alarm going off, and my head pounding. Groaning, I turn off my alarm and walk downstairs. Seeing my parents sitting at the table, "Mom do we have any headache meds, I have a killer headache." "In the kitchen cabinet, sweetie." "Thank you." Walking into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and the meds, when the door bell went off, "It's probably Felix, he is here early." My dad said, humming at him as the door opened up and my best friend made his way inside, "Party time!" He said, humming at my twin, "Which means, watching the anime I want to watch right." His face dropped, "Ugh, I guess." Smiling, watching Lixie hugged my parents, "Give me a few minutes an I'll be ready." Winking at him, making my way upstairs to my room as he followed.

      "How did you sleep?" He asked, "Still having those weird dreams?" Nodding my head as I looked through my closet, "Yeah, this time, your dad had another son name Minho and I was dating him." "Gay." He said, throwing a plushie at him, "Quiet, my parents still don't know." A sigh left his mouth, "You need to tell them, especially since you are now non-binary." Sighing myself, "I know, soon. But for now, back to my dream. We were saying bye to him, and your dad said some homophobic shit like he use too." "Not surprised." "Then sometime later we were getting ice cream and that's all I remember." "I had a dream about aliens." I threw another plushie at him, "I'm kidding, I had a dream about being in a closed place, it was pitch black and I just remember screams. Weird right?" "Do you think we need therapy?" Getting dressed, "Probably, but that cost money." "True." Finishing up, I grab my backpack and we head out, saying bye to my parents as we made our way to the shopping center.

       What if that was real? What if I did date Minho when I was younger? What happened to Felix and I's memory? I mean we both just found out that Minho is his brother, what if our dreams weren't dreams.

        Laying on my couch, looking up at the ceiling, "Yes?" Felix asked, knowing something is off with me, "Do you still have those dreams?" I asked, then I felt the couch move, "Not as much, they kinda stopped. Why do you ask?" Sitting up, turning to him, "What if those dreams, weren't dreams? I mean think about it, I would have dreams about a guy named Minho who was your brother, and my boyfriend. Plus you know, it took me a year to tell Haechan I loved him. And I really didn't love Haechan! Now, I'm telling Minho I love him with only a month of dating, like it's normal to me. Do you think Minho would know?" "Hannie, calm down. Even so, wouldn't he have told us that you two dated. Just in general, he would tell us everything, I mean he told me about him being my brother." Sighing as I lay my head back on the couch, "You are right." "I mean I am always right." "Don't fucking push it, Lee." 


tell me what you think, enjoy

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