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⚠️ (WARNING ) ⚠️



     Getting to the shop, I flipped the lights on, heading to the back, I got ready for the day. Turning on music, happily sighing to myself, I got to work. The shop was super busy today, "Bye, have a good day." I said as I finished wrapping up the flowers, just as the door opened again.

    "Hello welcome to-" "Hannie!" Looking up at the second youngest of the group, Seungminnie who had the brightest smile, his eyes looked like tiny crescent moons. Smiling at him, as he made a bee line for the back where I had the sunflowers, "Hey guys, I didn't think I would see you here." Looking away, "Like ever. But it is nice to see you guys." Channie smiled at me, "Pixie said we need to make a stop one day to see the shop. Plus Jinnie wanted sunflowers for the Jeongin, but is too scared to get them himself, so he made us, mostly Minnie get them."

     Watching as the other two walked in, "Minnie grab the flowers yet?" Hyunjin asked, he was wearing a grey hoodie with sunglasses, a mask and a hat, "Mister famous over there, too scared to pick out your partner flowers?" I said, just as Minnie placed the flowers on the table. Hyunjin was quiet, "I'll make them look pretty." Minnie giggled, "Hyunjin is scared Innie will reject him." Humming as I took the flowers to the back counter to add and fix up the arrangement.

    Humming a song to myself, "So you and our Leader are pretty close." Stopping as those words slipped past Chan's mouth. Finishing up the wrappings, turning back to the three males, Minnie leaning his head on his hands on the counter. Chan stared at me and well Hyunjin was shitting himself.

     "I mean, we are-" Stopping myself, because I don't know what we are. We haven't put a label on us, partners, or friends who kiss each other in a loving way. "Um, friends. We are friends." I watched as Chan hum, "I don't know, I have seen boss with a lot of people before, but none longer then a week." That's reassuring Christopher, sighing, I handed them the flowers.

    "10 please." I said, "That cheap? But you put so much work into the arrangement Hannie." Minnie stated, turning his head to the side a little, "It's a little discount, maybe Hyunjin can win over Innie's heart." Smiling at Hyunjin, who looked even worse now.

     "You coming tonight?" Channie asked, turning my head to the side, "I didn't know there was a race tonight." Before Chan could speak, his boyfriend cut him off, "Binnie, Channie and I have a show tonight. Did Lix not tell you?" He does, but I never go because I get overwhelmed super fast in crowded places that are in small spaces.

    "Oh he probably did and I forgot, been busy with the shop the past week." Smiling at the puppy like boy, "You should come tonight. Everyone will be there, you can meet some more people within the crew." Chan said with his signature smile, humming, "Um, maybe. Depends what time I get done." They smiled at me, Hyunjin handed me the money, "Can we go please?" Giggling at him, the oldest nodded his head, "Hope to see you tonight Hannie." Waving at them as they left the shop, just as it hit 12pm.

      Closing up shop as I went on my lunch break, sighing because I didn't have my favorite person with me here. Sighing as I head to the back, to eat and get some orders in for the up coming fall season. Playing the music louder to drown out the silence, I ate, writing down things I need for the work order. When there was a knock at the door, my head shot up, turning down the music, I felt a shiver down my back. Getting up to look at the door, but no one was there, humming to myself, "Weird. If it was Lixie he would have used the key I gave him." Going back to sit down, the door was knocked again, "Dude what the fuck." Looking, no one was there again, not liking the look of this, I grab my phone.

    "Please pick up." I said quietly, "Princess what's wrong?" His honey like voice rang through my ear.

      "Min, I think someone is at my door, but when I look no one is there, can you tell the guys to come by the shop. I don't have their numbers and I know you are busy." My voice was shaky, "Baby, breath for me, I'll count for you, I'm going to text the boys fast." Minho started to count, as I heard his phone go off, once my breathing was somewhat normal he asked me if I am better. Just then the door was knocked on again, checking, it was no one, "Min it happened again." "The boys should be there soon, darling. I'll stay on the phone until they get there." Sitting down on the floor, "The boys are going to knock three times then two more times to let you know it's them. I am sorry I can't be there with you, princess. Tomorrow I will be there, with your favorite." Just then the door was knocked on again, but it was the knocks Minho told me, slowly getting up, I saw Channie and Minnie.

     "They are here." "Okay good baby, I have to hang up now, I will see you in a few hours. I am not letting you go. Be safe, princess." I nod my head, then remembering he can't see me, "I will. See you soon, love." I hung up the phone, walking over to the door, the look on Chan's face was new.

    Opening the door, he came in fast, and started to look around, "Hannie, are you okay." Seungmin asked, his hands on my face, "Oh Hannie." I didn't know I was crying until he wiped my face, pulling me in for a hug. Rubbing my back, I squeezed him, scared he would leave me.

     "Hannie, do you have a Security system?" Chan asked me, moving my head from Seungminnie's neck, shocking my head no. Chan's face grew red, looking down at his hands, that were balled up into tight fist, knuckles turned white.

     "It's a good neighborhood, I know the other shop owners and most of my customers are regulars. They-" Chan stopped me, "But now you are dealing with street racers." Lifting up my head, "What do you mean?" "We are getting a CCTV system set up today." He didn't even look at me as he pulled out his phone, looking back at Seungmin, he pulled me in closer, "You are safe, Channie will fix it."

     I never left Seungmin's hold, when it was time to open my shop back up; I couldn't. Chan didn't say a word to me, he is scary when he is angry. Soon there was a knock at the door, a tall guy, while everyone is taller than me, Chan opened the door.

    "BamBam." They did a bro hug type thing, "Thanks for coming on short notice," Chan looked at me, then turned away from me to talk to this BamBam guy, "Oh shit, really." Chan nodded his head, "You could have just said that, I would have been here sooner." BamBam turned towards me, "I'll have the shop ready in no time." He smiled at me, with a thumbs up.

     Seungminnie and I sat on the chairs behind the counter, I started to make a flower crown out of fear. Fear, that I put myself and especially my shop in danger, "But now you are dealing with street racers." What does that even mean? I know street racing is illegal, but they just do it for fun right? Looking up at Seungmin, who was on his phone. Right?

        Ten minutes before I would close, is when BamBam finished and showed me how everything works, "Here is my number in case something goes wrong or if you have any questions." He smiled at me, as I just nodded my head, too scared to speak.  Taking the card, I looked up at Chan and Seungmin, Chan's face had softened, he had his arm around his boyfriends waist.

        "If there isn't anything else, I will be heading out. I'll see you guys tonight." Chan and him did a bro hug, BamBam patted my head then left my shop. The question still jumped around in my head, it never stopped moving.

     "Pixie should be here soon, we will wait with you until he shows up." Chan said, nodding again, I looked around, the cameras nowhere to be seen, but I know they are there. Sighing to myself, I head towards my office, "Hannie." Chan called out, turning around to face him, "I think it's best if Lee Know explains to you, it isn't my place to speak on it." He gave me a half smile, just as the door opened up, "Why the fuck was BamBam here?"


1514 words! \(^o^)/
Hopes it makes up for last chapter, I wanted it to be sweet before we get with the action of the story! Enjoy, tell me what you think! ╰(*'︶'*)╯

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