Toni POV:
I walk through the corridor to the throne room where my guard is waiting for me. "Good morning Blossom"I say. "Good morning princess where to today"she says. "To the village I want to bake a cake and we ran out of ingredients"i say and she nods. We leave the castle and walk to the village market. "Hey"a little redhead girl says running up. She kinda looks like blossom. "Hi what's your name"i ask. "Christina I'm her sister"she says pointing at blossom. "Really how nice"i say looking up at blossom. She looks at me then raises an eyebrow. I raise mine and she sighs. "What's wrong"she asks. "You aren't gonna say hi to your little sister"i ask. "I say hi to her everyday"she says. "No you don't"Christina says causing blossom to gasp. "You are such a fibber"she says. "Anyways Isabella is a little sick she has a small fever"Christina says. "Who's Isabella"i ask. "No one princess go on to the market"Blossom says and i sigh walking away. I go through the market buying the ingredients I need then get back to my guard. "I'm back"i say and she nods. We go back to the castle and I go to the kitchen. "Hey sweetie whatcha doing"mom asks. "I'm baking a cake"i say. "How nice"she says. "Mom can you tell me a little about my guard"i ask. "Well her name is Cheryl Blossom she is 17 she has a sister and a brother"she says. "I met her sister earlier i never met her brother"i say. "Her brother is one of the servers"my mom says. "Oh wow okay"i say and she nods. "Her parents work at the market selling flowers"she says. "I saw them i didnt know they were her parents"i say and she nods. "She lived a poor life until she ran into your father who gave her and her brother a place in the castle she started staying here longer about a year ago for some unknown reason i guess they are needed extra help"she shrugs. "I guess so well thanks mom can you call her in here for me"i ask and she nods. As i am mixing the batter Cheryl walks in. "You needed me"she asks. "Yes help me with the cake"i say and she tilts her head and nods. She walks to me and takes off her sword. Out drops a small picture. I pick it up before she could. I look at it and see its a picture of a baby girl. "She's cute who is she"i ask handing the picture to her. "Uh no one"she says putting it in my pocket. "Come on you know i dont like being lied too"i say. "Your highness its no one now if you dont mind we should get back to baking the cake"she says and i sigh. "Fine"i say. We finish with the cake and put it in the oven. "Toni"Anthony says walking in. He stops and looks at me and Cheryl. "Ooooh i see whats going on in here"he says. "Woah no"we say. "There is nothing going on"i say. "Yeah sure you two would make a cute couple"he says and takes the spoon. Antwan walks in and stops. "Hey"he says and grabs a water from the fridge. "Hi"i say. "You two gonna date or what"he asks. "What"i ask. "Oh come on tones we all know about your huge crush on"he starts but before he could finish his sentence i covered his mouth. "I dont know what you are talking about"i say and smile at Cheryl before turning back to my brother. "If you dont keep your mouth shut i will hurt you so bad you'll be sent to the clinic"i say and smile. "Mom"he yells and runs away. I turn back to Cheryl and sigh. "Dont listen to them they dont know what they are talking about"i say. "Okay your majesty"she says picking up her sword. "Ill be on my way now im going to help my family"she says and leaves. "Antoinette Marie Lyra Topaz"i hear my mom yell. I sigh and go to the thrown room. "Yes ma'am"i say. "Why did you threaten your brother"she asks. "Because she didnt want me to tell her guard that she was in love with her"he says. "I am not"i say. "Are to"he says. "Am not"i say. We argued back and forth until mom stopped us. "Stop you two"she says. "Apologize to your brother and go to your room"she says. "But mom"i say. "Now"she says sternly. "Im sorry for threatening your puny life"i say and go to my room. I close my door and sit on my bed. I sigh and then a knock comes to the door. I open the door and see my parents. "We are taking your brothers to a soccer game"dad says. "Okay dad"i say and he kisses my head. Cheryl walks up to my door and closes it behind her. "I hear you like me"she smirks. "I don't not like that"i say. She looks at my nightstand and so do I. There is a picture of me and her someone in the village took and gave to me. When this picture was taken Cheryl was helping me fix my dress. "Thats a nice picture"she says and i pick it up. "You didn't see this"i say putting it under my pillow. She walks closer to me and i back up towards my bed. "You know I've liked you too but I've never had the courage to just ask you out i mean you are the princess after all"she says looking down at the floor. I softly grab her chin and kiss her. She didn't kiss back right away but eventually she did. I feel her hands grab my waist. I wrap my arms around her neck and she pulls me closer. "Your majesty i have your dinner"someone says knocking on my door. "That sounds like my brother"Cheryl says and i pull away from her. I fix my dress and open the door. "Here you go"he says handing me my tray. "Thank you"i say and he bows. He walks away and i close the door. I sit on my bed and open the tray. "A fruit bowl"i say. "Nice but thats it"she asks. "Yeah i mean we are having cake for the family later"i say and she looks at me. "That reminds me i need to go home"she says. "Aww why"i whine. "Because i have something i need to take care of"she says. "Okay"i say and she gets up. She connects our lips and i pull her closer. "I'll see you tomorrow probably I am grounded" I say and she chuckles a bit. "That's not funny"i pout. "You did threaten your brother princess" she says and i sigh. "I know"I say. She pecks my lips and i smile a bit. "Bye"i say. "Bye" she says and leaves. I spend the rest of the night laying in bed watching tv.
The next day
I wake up to a knock on my door. "Princess it's time to get up"one of the servants say. I get up and go to the door. I open the door and get handed breakfast. "Thank you"i say and she nods. I close my door and sit in bed. I eat breakfast and send the plate on its way. I go shower and do my hygiene. I go to my closet and pick two dresses. As I'm choosing a dress a knock comes to my door. "Who is it"i ask. "Your knight in shining armor princess"i hear Cheryl say through the door. I smile going to the door. I crack the door not opening it all the way. "Hi"i say. "Hey I got you this flower from my parent's garden but uh" she says and pulls a pink wilted flower out of her pocket. "I kinda messed it up"she says and I smile. "Thank you" I say and she hands it to me. "What are you doing in there"she asks. "Well I was choosing between two dresses" I say. "Well maybe I can help" she says. I grab the dresses and give them to her. She hands me one with a nod. I close the door and put it on.

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