Many months have gone by and now it's Toni's 17th birthday. Toni misses Cheryl dearly but it was no use. Her father introduced her to a prince a month prior. Though she didn't want to she had no choice. Cheryl has started working with her parents at the small flower shop. She spends more time with her family. She does miss Toni very much but it's how it goes.
Toni POV:
I am sitting in the throne room when a guard walks in. "Your prince is here your majesty"he says. "Okay"i say and he nods. "Good morning princess"the prince says. "Morning James"i say getting up. "What would you like to do today"he asks. "I would like to go to the market's park and spend time with the kids"i say. "Why"he asks and i look at him. "Well you did ask what I would like to do today"i say. "You don't want to go sip tea in the garden or dance in the ball room your party is later today and there will be lots of dancing"he says. "No i dont"i say. "Well let me know when you change your mind"he says and i roll my eyes as he leaves. "I miss Cheryl"i sigh sitting on my throne. "I know you do I do too"mom says walking in. "Why won't she come back"i ask. "Your father sweetheart she knows he won't accept you two so she's distancing herself from this place to not make him angry"she says. "Can we go to the flower shop to see her I do want flowers at my party"i say. "Of course lets go"she says. We leave the castle and stroll through the market. We come across the flower shop. We go in and see Cheryl and her sister Christina. "Welcome to our family flower shop the blossom delight we have a variety of different flowers and bouquets you can pick from our personal favorite is the blossom rose but you can choose any"Cheryl says lazily causing me to giggle. She sits up quickly and sees me and my mom. "Toni"she says jumping over the counter. "Hi"i giggled and she hugged me picking me up and spinning. She puts me down and gently grabs my face. "You are more beautiful than the last time I saw you"she says and i blush. "Happy birthday love"she says pulling a rose from behind my ear. I gasp at the little trick. She puts it in my hair and kisses my cheek. "Hello your majesty"she says bowing to my mom. "Hi Cheryl" she says. "So what brings you by no wait don't tell me" she says and studies our faces. "Flowers for a party"she says. "How did you know"mom asks. "Lucky guess"Cheryl says. "Pick your flowers all are amazing while I get back to the flower crowns for the kids" she says walking to her sister. "Go have fun Chrissy" she says and Christina smiles before running out. "Toni what color roses"mom asks. "Pink and violet"i say. "Any other flowers"mom asks. "Any other flowers that go with the theme"i say and she nods. "How is Isabella"i ask. "She's okay shes with my parents right now caught a nasty flu I'm trying to get her the medication she needs but so far nothing" she sighs. "If you personally deliver all the flowers I could get you the medication you need"mom says. "No i couldn't do that to you" she says. "Come on and bring her with you we would love to see her again"mom says. "Okay thank you"Cheryl says and my mom nods. "Cheryl"a kid says running in. "Flower crowns I know they are all finished"she says and all the village kids start to come in. "Wanna help"she asks and i nod. We place crowns on every kid's head. "Thank you Cheryl and thank you princess"the last kid says before running out. "Okay I'm finished"mom says. "Okay I'll have them delivered for the party thank you"Cheryl says and mom nods. I kiss her cheek and she smiles. "Bye princess"she says. "Bye" I say and we leave. "That has made my day"i say. "Mine as well"mom says as we walk back to the castle. "Where have you two been"Antwan asks with Anthony behind him. "The flower shop"mom says. "Really how's Cheryl"he asks. "And our niece"Anthony says causing me to laugh a bit. "They are both fine and will be here later"i say and they cheer before walking to their rooms. "Princess"I hear causing me to roll my eyes. "Yes James"I say. "Care to go dancing"he asks and suddenly my father walks in. "Of course lets go"i say and he takes me to the ballroom. We danced for a while soon people started to come in. "Guests are arriving"he says. We walk to the entrance and i see Cheryl's parents and sister walk in. Isabella was in Mrs.Blossom's arms. "Hey"i say. "Where is Cheryl"Anthony asks. "She is still at the shop we offered to help with the flowers but she insisted that we come"her father says. "I have the medication for Isabella I told Cheryl if she delivered it I could help get all the medication needed"mom says. "Oh thank you so much you don't know how much pressure has been lifted off our shoulders"her mom says. It soon gets late and Cheryl still isn't here. I go to the front and see all the flowers but no Cheryl. "Where is she"i ask. "Check the garden"mom says. I go to the garden and see Cheryl standing there with a bouquet of roses. "Cher"i say. "Hey love" she says and I hug her tightly. "I thought you weren't going to come"i say. "I wouldn't miss seeing you for the world"she says. "I got you something"she says handing me the flowers. She pulls a necklace from her pocket and shows me. It was gold with a pink flower on it. "You didn't have to"i say. "But I wanted to"she says putting it on me. "How much was it"i ask. "It doesn't matter what matters is if you like it" she says. "I love it" I say and kiss her. She gently grabs my waist pulling me closer. "Thank you"I say against her lips. "You're welcome"she says putting a flower crown on my head. "You don't understand how much I have missed you"she says caressing my cheek. "I have missed you so much more"I say. "Cheryl my niece is crying"Antwan says and we laugh. We go in and Cheryl tends to Isabella. James walks in. "Princess the cake is here"he says and Cheryl looks up. "Hey I know you" she says and he looks at her. "And who pray tell are you"he asks. She picks up Isabella and sighs. "Well my name is Cheryl Blossom I was a former guard for this kingdom I'm surprised you don't remember our little encounter"she says. "What happened"mom asks. "He was teaching the village boys about fighting and violence"she says. "I was teaching them how to defend themselves"he says. "They are only like 6 what are they defending themselves from imaginary monsters"she says. "You never know"he says. "From how hard you were making them punch I'd say other wise also that's not a good impression on the citizens of your future kingdom"she says. "What would you know about good impressions on future kingdoms you are just a poor flower gardener who can't even take care of the offspring they created nor themself"he says and she stops. "James that's no way to talk to someone these are good friends of my family"i say. "Whatever"he says turning around only to bump into Cheryl's brother Christian. "Got something else to say to my sister"he asks. "Christian"Cheryl says and shakes her head. "He's not worth it"she says. "I feel bad for the future generation of this kingdom"he says and they walk away. "What is your problem"i ask James and follow after. "Ah Toni there you are it's cake time"dad says and i look over to where Cheryl and Christian were leaving. I sigh and nod following him. I get to my cake and softly smile at everyone around me. Everyone sings happy birthday and I blow out the candles. "Thank you all"i say and they go back to dancing. "Princess"Cheryl says walking up. "I have a gift for you can I steal you away for a second"she asks. I look at dad who isn't looking. "Go"mom whispered. I smile and grab her hand. She takes me on a walk into the woods. "I've really missed you"she says. "I've missed you more"i say. "I doubt that you missed me more than I've missed you"she says and I laugh a bit. She grabs my hands and kiss them. "I know you already have a prince and due to be married after your 18th but I can't stop thinking about you and I want you at my side I want to kiss you all the time I want you to be mine forever but it's going against your father's wishes he wants you to marry a rich prince like James not some poor person like me"she says. "I don't care what he thinks you are all I want I don't care about you being poor or not having enough that doesn't matter to me" I say. "Well what I wanted to ask was"she says but gets cut off. "Toni"we hear. We look and see my father and James. "Oh no"I say and look at Cheryl. She looks at me and softly smiles. "We will see each other again I promise" she says and kisses me. I smile and we hug. I walk away following them into the castle. We wave all the guests goodbye and farewell. "Goodbye blossoms"i say. "Goodbye princess"they say. I go to my room and get ready for bed. "Toni"I hear. I open the door and see mom. "What a beautiful necklace" she says. "Did Cheryl get that for you" she asks and i nod. "Oh it's lovely"she says. "I know"I smile. "I wanted to say good night and a special someone is outside your window"she says and kisses my head before leaving. I lock my door and open my window. I walk onto the balcony and see Cheryl and Isabella. "Hey" I say. "Hi love" she says. "What are you doing here"i ask. "Your mother snuck us past your father and let us into here" she says. "Isabella"i say and the baby giggles. "Aw how are you feeling baby"i ask taking her from Cheryl. I sit on my bed and rub her stomach. "She's so pretty"i say admiring the baby in my arms. "I know"she says. "What happened to her mom"i ask. "Her uh her mother and I broke up when she was 8 months pregnant she didn't want the baby but I did I didn't want her getting rid of my very first born so after she had Isabella she fled hoping to never see us again"she says. "I'm sorry"I say. "It's fine we will find her mama soon"she says. "Mama"we hear. "Was that Isabella"i ask. "I only knew her saying dada which is me but she's not saying that"Cheryl says. "Mama"Isabella says pulling on my shirt. "She's talking to you"Cheryl says. I pick Isabella up and she giggles. She kisses my nose and i smile. "I guess we found her mama after all"Cheryl says and kisses my cheek. Cheryl sits on the bed taking off her boots. She lays back with Isabella on her chest. "Tired"i ask. "Yeah"she says. I lay back and sigh. "Goodnight"she says. Isabella babbles which causes me to laugh. "Goodnight"I say and we fall asleep.

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