The whole village watched as the beloved flower shop is burned down and Cheryl is taken by an ambulance. Toni soon finds out as she approaches the residence. She notifies her family and they go to the hospital to see if she is alright.
Cheryl POV:
I wake up to beeping in one ear and quiet whispers in the other. I slowly open my eyes and see I'm in the hospital. "Cher"i hear and look. I see so many eyes started at me it made me dizzy. Once my vision focused on those eyes I recognized them all.

"You're okay"mom says.

"Is dad okay"i ask not caring about myself at all.

"I'm fine munchkin"he says appearing next to mom with a cast on his arm.

"Just a little bruise luckily we didn't get burnt"he says.

"What about Christina"i ask.

"She was with her friends at the time so she's good"mom says.

"That's good"i say.

"Unlucky for you though you broke your ankle"mom says.

"That's upsetting"i say and sigh.

"Any word from Toni"i ask.

"I'm right here"Toni says walking through the door.

"Mama"Isabella says reaching for Toni. My parents look at me shocked as Toni takes her.

"She did that all on her own"i say.

"We will give you three some family time"my dad says and i laugh a bit. They leave and Toni sits in the chair next to the bed.

"How are you feeling"she asks grabbing my hand.

"I thought I was dead"i say.

"I was so worried"she says.

"When I got the called all I was thinking about was dad I got there handed Bella to mom and went straight in I wasn't thinking of anything else but getting him out then myself when I got him out as I was trying to make it out I started to get lightheaded from all the smoke and me coughing then my leg got caught on one of the shelves causing me to fall I got free crawled to the door the passed out" I say all in one breath.

"When I got there I saw you unconscious getting put into the wagon Isabella was in tears I was in tears your mom"she says and i kiss her hand.

"I'm just so happy you are okay i don't know what I would have done if you weren't" she says tearing up.

"Hey shh don't think about it I'm okay I'm here me you and Isabella are together"i say and wipe her tears.

"Toni"her mom says poking her head in.

"Me and your father are leaving you have clothes with her mom because I know you aren't gonna want to leave her"she says and Toni nods.

"Bye you guys"she says.

"Bye"we say and she leaves.

"I'm surprised your father didn't say anything" I say and she shrugs.

"I really hope he doesn't make me marry that prince" she says.

"If he does i will object like I said nothing will keep me away from you"i say and she smiles holding my hand.

"I'm ready to leave"i sigh.

"You have to stay until you get better"she says and i look at her.

"I can get better at home"i say and she looks at me with a serious face before letting out a sigh.

"Okay"she says and stands. She dusts off her dress before she walks out. A few minutes later her and a doctor walk in.

"Dos and donts read them when you get home be careful and have a safe trip"he says and walks out. Toni hands me the crutches and I use them. I get outside and see my dad.

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