1 year later
cheryl pov:
today is toni's wedding day. the entire kingdom is required to be there. i am at home getting Isabella ready for the day. My mother walks in with breakfast. "How are feeling today"she asks running her hands through my hair. "Ready to get this day over with" I say with a fake smile. "I know you're upset but everything is gonna be okay"she says. "No it won't the love of my life is getting married on this very day and I'm not the one who waiting for her some guy from many miles away is and what am I doing nothing" I say as my voice started raising. "Cheryl that is no way to talk to me I am your mother"she says very upset by my tone. I look at her and sigh. "I'm sorry mom I'm so sorry"I say sitting down and putting my head in my hands. "It's okay just take a moment and breathe" she says rubbing my back. "It's just I love her so much"I say as tears start to pour from my eyes. "I know baby I know" she says. "Dear, Cheryl where are y'all"we hear father ask. "In here dear"mom says and father walks in. "Come we have to deliver these flowers and get a good seat"he says. We get up and head out. We go to the castle and give the flowers to the guards waiting. "Thank you now head to the church"one guard says. He looks at me and nods sympathetically. I just nod back. As we started to head to the chapel I snuck off. I went around to the side of the castle and saw no one coming. I looked at Bella who was in her baby carrier. "Let's try and get to mama"I sigh. I started to try and climb up the side of the castle with the picks in my pocket. When I got to the balcony I grabbed on and climbed up. There she was. Sitting at her vanity staring at her reflection in the mirror as she twirled her beautifully done hair. I slowly walked to the window and knocked. She looked over to see me and Bella. Her eyes lighting up happily. She comes over and opens the balcony doors. "How did you get up here"she asked hugging me. "I climbed"I say showing her the picks in my hand. "Just to see me"she says and I nod. "I had to see you up close one last time"I say and gently grab her hands. "I love you so much Toni more than you'll ever know"I say. "I love you too Cher so much"she says and I pull her into me. I kiss her and she holds my face close. When air became a problem we slowly pulled away. "You will have my heart always and forever" says and puts my hand on her chest. "And you have mine forever and always"I say placing her hand on my chest. "Toni dear it's time to get you into your dress"we hear her mother say. "Goodbye Cheryl I'll always love you"she says. "Goodbye Antoinette I will forever love you"I say and she walks inside. I head to the chapel. Once I get there I sit in one of the chairs. I guess all left to do is wait for the wedding to start. my mom has isabella in her arms. I'm sitting at the isle next to me is mother and Isabella then it's father then Christina. Christian is probably in the kitchen doing his royal duties. After a while of chatting with everyone the wedding soon begins. prince james walks in standing straight up. he walks down the isle and everyone claps for him. he got to the alter and stood there. Toni's father shook his hand with a big smile on his face and patted his back. Now we were all waiting on Toni. Soon the doors opened again and in walked toni.

she looked so beautiful in her dress

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she looked so beautiful in her dress. i just wish i was the person waiting for her. she looks at me and smiles a bit. i smile back and she kept walking. when she got up there the wedding officially started. "we are here today to bring together two kingdoms in harmony and peace princess Antoinette topaz and prince james harrison will be wedded together through love and royalty"the priest says. "do you prince james take princess antoinette to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and in health til death due you part"he asks. "i do"james says. "do you princess antoinette take prince james to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health til death due you part"the priest asks. "I"she starts and I see her look at me. I softly smile and nod for her to say it. Tears filled her eyes as she looked back at James. "I do"she said dishonestly. Mother sits a hand on my knee. I just smile at her keeping all my emotions in. "Is there anyone here in the audience that object to this wedding and don't think these two should be married speak now or forever hold your peace"the priest says. i raised my hand, then so did my mother, father, sister and from the other side of the church my brother. Antwan and Anthony raised their hands as well as their mother. "Of course it's the flower gardener"James scoffs. "May I ask why"the priest asks. I stood up and sighed. "Because he doesn't deserve her nor will he make her happy but I can"I say. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see a guard. he grabs my arm and starts to take me out of the church. toni looks at me alarmed. i shake my head. "cheryl"she says. "take her away shes ruining the wedding"the king says. "no"toni screams as her father holds her back. "I love you Toni"I yelled. i get taken to the dungeon cell. i get locked inside. "let me out of here i didnt do anything wrong"i yelled out. "please"i cried. The door was closed and i was left in pure darkness.

toni pov:
they took her away. they took her. i rip the vail off my head and throw the flowers to the ground. "toni what are you doing"father asks. "im not marrying him i want to be married to someone i truly love and thats her shes the one who i want to be with you just want whats best for you you dont even think about me do you how i feel what i want"i say. "you can get what you want after you are married to help your kingdom your rightful place"he growled. "fuck my rightful place"i yelled back causing the crowd to gasp. "if i cant be with cheryl i dont want it give it to antwan or anthony for all i care"i say and run out. i go to the dungeon and open the door. i go up to one of the cells and open the little slot. No one was there. I opened every slot til I got to the very end. I opened it and saw her. Cheryl was curled up in the corner crying. "Cher"I say and she looks up at me in shock. "toni"she says getting up. "hi"i say. "what are you doing here why arent you at the wedding"she asks. "i told him if you werent the one i married i dont want a place on the throne"i say. "Oh no toni you didn't"she says and i nod. "I did I don't want it if I can't be with you"I say and lay a hand on her cheek through the slot. "i couldnt do it i love you cher i love you so much and i hate being away from you"i say wiping my tears. "i love you too but im stuck here theres no way out for me"she says. "actually maybe i can get the key from one of the guards"i say. "how they wont give it to you"she says. "no not directly but i can steal them then we can run away together"i say. "go and please be careful"she says. "i promise"i say. i close the slot and leave the dungeon. i find one of the guards and see the key in his pocket. i slowly walk up to him and pull the key out. i succesfully run with it and go back to cheryl. i get to her and unlock the door. right when i did i ran right into cheryl's arms. "im so glad you are okay"i say. "might i just say you look so beautiful in this dress"she says and i blush. "thanks"i say and kiss her. "we have to go"i say and she nods. we run out of there and head outside where i saw my mom and cheryl's mom. "i think you are forgetting someone"mom says. "mama dada"isabella squeals. i get her and cheryl hugs her mom. "i will come back soon i promise"she says. "same with me"i say and mom hugs me. "You better"Cheryl's mom says. "just be safe"my mother says and i nod. "go"they say and we head on our way. after a while of walking we stopped. "so where to first"i ask. "somewhere far away from here"she says. "no duh silly but like where is our first stop"i ask. "well my father has a cabin out here that he uses when we plant flowers he restocks it every week"she says and i nod. we soon get to the cabin. we go in and sit down. "Let's make a vow to never leave each other side and before we come back to this place we are married and happy"she says and i nod. "We will be a happy family"i say and she kisses my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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