How it Plays Out- Part 7

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As the door handle began to move on it's on accord I lowered my weapon.

I watched as a young girl dressed in black entered the room slowly. Not even a moment later Mike broke away from the group, his heart on his sleeve, and relief and so many emotions flashing behind his eyes. As they locked eyes, the entire room seemed to know what was going on and we all just watched it unfold.

"Eleven," Mike breathed.

"Mike," She whispered as if she were losing breath but didn't care as long as she had him to fill her lungs again.

They hugged and cried on each other's shoulders for what felt like eternity and honestly it was the most heart wrenching thing to witness. Because I could feel it, the electricity, the spark whatever but it made my heart stop and made my mind hopeful.

"I never gave up on you, I called every night, every night for-"

"353 days, I heard." She finished his sentence, giving me goosebumps.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike asked starting to become worried.

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper jumped in. Whoa, did not see that coming.

"You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this whole time." Mike exclaimed aggressively as he pushed Hopper.

Hopper brought Mike to the next room to talk while Eleven gave Joyce a hug and poked at my brother's teeth as he did his annoying growl that drove me completely insane.

"Who is she?" Eleven asked.

"My sister." Dustin added before I could speak.

"Sister?" She questioned before immediately hugging me. I smiled down at her, she instantly melted my cold little heart.

Nancy, Joyce, and Johnathan took Will to Hopper's cabin, while Hopper and Eleven went to close the gate. Steve and I had the responsibility of watching the kids who were very upset to say the least. I could hear things tumbling to the floor in the kitchen, so I quickly went to see what was happening only to find Steve holding the dead demodog in a blanket and my brother in front of Mrs. Byers' fridge.

"No," I started, Dustin froze completely. "Steve, you can put that down and Dustin you pick all that back up."

"Tors, this is a ground breaking scientific study..."

"That you will not be able to even remotely discuss to anyone since this," I waved my hands in the air, "never happened." I cut him off looking at him as my eyes darkened.

"Okay, okay, fine." He said, as he began to pick up the things he had just thrown out of the fridge.

I was about to walk away, before Steve cleared his throat to grab my attention, "And what am I supposed to do with this?"

I could only laugh, "Whatever you think is best, just don't let Dustin near it." I said intentionally glaring at him as I left the room.


"What did you do to my sister?" Dustin asked loudly.

Taken aback Steve ran his fingers through his hair, "I-I didn't do anything to her." He stuttered, he wasn't even sure what was happening with her.

"Bullshit," Steve flinched, "She's pissed and giving you the cold shoulder, you did something." Dustin persisted.

"Your sister just doesn't like me, alright." Steve confessed, as these words tumbled out he didn't realize how much they would sting leaving his lips.

How It Plays Out- Steve Harrington x OC Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now