Casita breaks?

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Slowly Izuku Midoriya and Maribel Madrigal were getting closer and closer

Inko got to know the Madrigals more and noticed that one of them kept his distance majority of the time

Inko walked up to Bruno

Inko: you ok?

Inko put her hand on Bruno's shoulder scaring the man out of his trance


Inko started to worry: are you ok?

Bruno: I-I'm fine

Inko: no your not, how bout you talk about it

Bruno stood there in silence before he walked away leaving Inko to stand there alone

Inko: where is he going?

Inko went to go and continue explaining things about the world the Madrigals are in so they know what's going on

With Bruno

Bruno: ok, from what I've heard. This is a new world, new world means a new chance for my gift to be helpful......right?

Bruno started his visions with random people......and found out that most of them turned out bad, one guy would go bankrupt, a woman would be robbed, a child would get cancer in the next year.......and a young boy would be married to a beautiful girl.......

Bruno: wait?

Bruno looked into that last vision and noticed it has Isabella older with this blonde kid engaged

Bruno was freaking out, the last vision about Isabella in it was with Mariano....but this new kid looked to be buffer then Mariano and have an incredible gift

Bruno stopped with what he was doing and started to head back home

Bruno made it back home and noticed something was off

Casita was starting to crack

To Bruno's surprise no one else had noticed this

So Bruno dropped the vision and went to follow the trail Casita is leading for Bruno to help

Casita lead Bruno to a portrait on the wall

Bruni: how's this supposed to help?

Casita knocked the painting down showing a hole in the wall

Bruno: you want go in there?

Casita raised the tiles and made a nodding movement

Bruno gulped before climbing into the wall

As Bruno was in the wall Abuela went to look around to see why she had a strange feeling in her stomach

Isabella was following Abuela until she saw a green tile plate laying on a pillow on the ground

Isabella looked at the green plate and noticed it was simple to the vision Bruno showed her

But this one had a different boy

Was her prophecy changed because they were sent to a different world?

Isabella looked long and hard staring at the boy

Yeah he looked handsome to her and more buff then the last prophecy shown to her

But she really didn't want to be wayed down to a prophecy that chose who she'd be with

With Abuela......she wasn't too happy

Abuela was freaking out that Casita was having cracks

Abuela ran as fast as she could to her room with the candle

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