Quinceañera (Part Three - Enter The Underworld)

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Loba has some stupid implusive thoughts as she and Zatz enter the Underworld - The two Demigods speak to Lord Mictlan about how their message was received.

Lord Mitclan's temple is deathly quiet, each footstep echoing through the halls as Loba and Zatz make their way to the dinning hall, each side of the hall had Mitclan's undead army shoulder to shoulder, staring straight forward, never blinking, barely breathing.

They always gave Loba chills. To her, it felt like they watched her every move and were ready to attack her at any moment. At one point, when she had first arrived in the underworld with her father, she had swatted at one in fear when she turned a corner and didn't expect them to be there. She was then promptly scolded and dragged away by the arm to see Lord Mictlan so she wouldn't be able to touch anything else. She could still perfectly recall how terrified yet pissed her father had looked.

She hadn't hit one since, but she still thought about punching one every once and a while, just to see what they'd do. 'Would it stay still? Fight back?' She always thought as she imagined herself injuring one. Whatever they'd do, she'd still feel like she'd be satisfied with a good punch or two on one of those... things.

When they were at the entryway to the hall, they stood still for a moment as their minds raced. For Zatz, he was thinking of what to say to their Lord. For Loba, she had to muster up the courage to even go with her friend through that door.

Zatz approached the snake head that was built into the towering door, which then screeched and opened for the two to pass.

There stood all of the underworld gods, except for one, sitting at the dining table, barely speaking a word to each other as they indulged in their feast, platters floating around the room with many different kinds of food on them. However, most of the platters just contained bones or scraps of meat were nearly bones.

Hura and Can were fighting over their meal and who got what. Vucub, pecked at his meal with his beak, ripping flesh from bone. Cabrakan sat with his wife, Cipactli and practically threw an entire platter's worth of food down his throat, not even stopping to chew. Bone and Skull decided to share a drink and were eyeing the demigods, awaiting their next move. General Camazotz stared at his son, concerned, but silent as finally entered the room proper.

"It is done, Lord Mictlan." Zatz announced, bowing his head as he and Loba kneeled in front of Lord Mitclan, who was front and centre at the table. Mictlan growled as he leaned closer.

"Just as you planned, husband." Lady Micte said as she floated into the room, past the demigods and to her seat left of Mictlan.

"And?" Mictlan hissed, not wanting to hear what they had to say if it was a waste of his time.

"All of the Teca army are marching through the endless forest, my Lord." Zatz explained, bowing his head again. Beside him, Loba never lifted her head, afraid of what would happen if she dared to. 'He's hurt me before, he'll do it again.' she thought to herself as Mictlan growled again.

"I can already taste their fear, mi amor." Mictlan grinned as he turned to Lady Micte, who smiled and chuckled.

"They do not know what they do." She laughed as Mictlan lifted her face by the chin gently.

"Your half-breed daughter, she will be a delicious sacrifice, beloved." Mictlan said as he held out his hand for his wife.

"Anything for you, beloved." Lady Micte responded, placing her hand on top of his.

"My Lord, perhaps showing the humans mercy--" Camazotz tried to speak only for Mictlan to cut him off.

"General Camazotz, the only mercy in war is death." Mictlan spat as he stood up, the other gods gasping, laughing or staying silent. "And I will be relentless..." He started before grinding his sword between his teeth. "In my mercy." He growled. Zatz and Loba looked down, disappointed and disgusted. "Don't wait up my darling. For tonight, I pay a visit to an old acquaintance of yours." He grinned as he floated up and out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him.

The room stayed silent for a moment as both demigods went to stand and take their place beside Camazotz, only for Lady Micte to halt them in their tracks with a wave of her hand.

"You are all dismissed. Finish your meal then go to your parts of the palace until my husband returns." Lady Micte commanded before leaving the room herself, the door slamming shut behind her.

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