The Prophecy (Part One - Condolences and Third Wheeling)

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After the brutal killing of the Teca army, Zatz and Loba give their condolences and return the weapons of the fallen to the royal family. Once back in the Underworld, Zatz and Camazotz have a little 'talk' and Loba, Zatz and... Acat are given a new mission.

Zatz and Loba had agreed with each other to follow Mictlan on his 'visit' to the Overworld, keeping close enough to be witnesses yet far enough not to be seen or to become involved. They had witnessed the terrors Mictlan had inflicted on the Teca army, sending chills up their spines. Loba thought she was going to be sick as she watched man turn on man, friend on friend, and brother on brother. If Zatz had felt the same, he didn't show it. He was dead silent watching everything go down.

They stayed hidden until the screams and cries had gone cold, and the twisted laughs of Lord Mictlan faded as he left, returning to the Underworld, satisfied with his handiwork.

Once they knew they were in the clear, Zatz had gone out to survey the scene, standing still as he heard something nearby. He scanned the area before he saw Chiapa, the Teca family's Jaguar, dragging a wheezing King Teca away, into the endless forest, back towards Teca. Zatz felt guilt eating away in his stomach, but shook himself out of his thoughts, getting an idea.

He flew around the area and had found what was left of the Jaguar brothers' weapons. He wrapped them carefully in a cloth he'd been carrying on Colmillo, before returning to Loba, who had been petting Colmillo. They both climbed onto Colmillo's back and made their way after Chiapa and King Teca.

They had followed them to the outskirts of Teca, as Chiapa dragged King Teca into a small clearing, where Maya had found them.

"Maya. Run, mija." The King weakly warned as Colmillo with Zatz and Loba on his back appeared from the bushes, letting out a mighty roar, scaring Chiapa away in the process with a yowl.

"You want him," Maya starts as she swings down from the tree she was in, grabbing two fallen arrows. "You'll have to go through me." She spat as she pointed her arrows at the two demigods, getting between them and her father. They were impressed that she had decided to be as selfless as she was.

"Courage runs through your veins, Princess." Loba smiled from Colmillo's back as Zatz hopped off, landing in front of Maya.

"Leave, now." She hissed in a low voice as Zatz took a step closer, never lowering the arrows she held. The King growled as he lifted his glowing macuahuitl, which stopped a mear inches from Zatz' face.

"I mean you no harm King Teca." Zatz started, raising his free hand. The King's macuahuitl darkens as he continues. "You're hurt. A fight now would be dishonorable." He said in a genuine tone as he knelt down, unwrapping the cloth. "Your brothers' weapons, they belong to your family now. Honor them." Zatz said as he backed away from the Tecas. Maya lowered her arrows with a gasp as she fell to her knees, sobbing.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Princess." Loba said as she fixed her mask to her face. Zatz climbed back a top Colmillo's back.

"Be well Princess Maya, we'll see you soon." He said as Colmillo roared, turning to walk back into the bushes.

The pantheon of gods had gathered in Lord Mictlan's throne room after his recent victory against the Teca army. They were all having their own conversations with each other as Mictlan sat on his throne, conversing with his snakes.

Loba had decided to sit alone, away from the crowd, and take a moment to eat an apple, as she hadn't had the chance to eat in the dining hall, and nearly lost her appetite at the gruesome scene earlier. Meanwhile, Zatz was huddled close to his father.

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