Chapter 6

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Kehlani Esme

"Listen, I need you two to stop acting like this-" The silence that had uncomfortably taken upon us after the last word Paige let slip from her lips truly worried me.

I didn't even know how to think straight, knowing that my friends thought like this, so worried for me, over what? A man who I haven't even seen in a month?

"What do you mean?" Paige mumbled, taking her sulking face and turning it into a rather confused one. "Acting like this!" I pointed to her and then to the blonde sitting across from me.

"I know I have made some stupid decisions with relationships in the past but that doesn't mean that I'm going to let you guys revolve your lives around a man I haven't even spoken to in months." Folding my hands together, I shifted in my seat, edging closer to the table.

"You guys need to have some faith in me, and in the amount of respect I have. I'm not going to chase after him just because he gave me a half-assed compliment and danced with me." Well, he also saved my life, but at this moment, we are going to overlook that fact.

I could see the puzzled eyes of theirs, and it just pained me more. "Why are you making this such a big deal?" I grumbled, holding my head in my hands now, just like Paige had done moments before.

"You don't see it do you?" Evie spoke up, her voice quiet. "God, Kehlani" She groaned, throwing her head back in frustration.

"What?" I questioned, letting my head rise out of the grasp of my own hands. "You seriously don't see it?" She questioned again, this time I gazed over to Paige.

Utter confusion also appeared on her face. "Evie, what the fuck do you see that we can't?" Paige demanded to know, getting sick of the riddles that Evie spoke in.

"You don't see what he's doing just to talk to you? You can't see any of it?" I shook my head in response, letting my lips part to speak but I couldn't even let a word out.

"Kehlani, he isn't just going to send you a dozen flowers and ask you to go out with him. That's one, unreasonable, and two weird since you two act like two brick walls staring at one another. He's going to try to push his way in through something, like-" She paused for a moment, searching for the right word.

"Like an excuse?" I questioned, not bearing to watch her struggling face any longer. "Yes!" She beamed, letting her hands clap together in excitement. "An excuse, that's exactly what he needs." Her face lit up with happiness as she had just made a world-class discovery.

"Yeah Evie, I know, he can't just do that. But he also hasn't done anything. I think I would know if he did, I've been stuck inside that office for an entire month now." I scoffed at her words, leaning back against the chair.

Her eyes narrowed at me, she could easily tell that I wasn't buying into her tricky words just yet, and with the look in her eyes, I knew she wasn't going to stop until I believed her.

"And how would you know? Hmm?" She hummed, raising her brows at me. "Because he hasn't, Evie. I literally haven't seen his shadow let alone the man himself all month long." I droned, not understanding her point.

"Well maybe that's because you've been avoiding him all month long," She accused. A small exhale of annoyance escaped my lips.

"Okay, fine, just listen to me for a second." She practically begged and I nodded my head, willing to hear her crazy assumptions out just this once.

"Y'know I might be a bit delusional but I can tell when someone likes someone, and by the way you two acted that night, I could tell that there was definitely something brewing" She began.

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