Tyger, Tyger (Tiger part 1)

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Stiles gritted his teeth as he watched his dad's police cruiser leave.
He knew the risks, but he really needed the help, and honestly, at this point he needed pack just a little too.

He got into his mother's old car and made his way out onto the preserve.
He didn't really like the Hales his age. Cora was grouchy, rude and judgemental. Derek was over dramatic and hated him ever since he'd grassed about the teen sneaking about with an Argent, and Laura was the stereotypical bitchy popular girl.

He hoped the other Hales were less...antagonistic. If they weren't he was definitely not gonna get any help. He was pretty sure they wouldn't kill him...but he'd hate to have to force his dad to move out their territory.

When he drove up Cora came out the house looking irritated. He supposed they assumed he was here for her since they were in the same grade.
"What are you doing here Stilinski?" She growled when he got out the car.
Stiles gave a winning smile, "what a rude way to treat a guest Dora, what must your mom think?"
She didn't laugh, just kept tapping her foot and trying to keep from snarling.

He moved past her to the door, and found it blocked by Derek.
"Geez you guys, you think I wouldn't be here if it wasn't my last resort?" He asked dryly before Derek could open his mouth. "If Alpha Hale doesn't want me here, she could at least be kind enough to evict me from her territory herself."
They both froze at the Alpha title and suddenly Talia and her brother were pushing Derek out the door to look at him through narrowed eyes.

"Stiles...isn't it?" Talia asked him, carefully.
"Yes Alpha Hale."
"You didn't mention you knew of the supernatural when you came to warn us about Derek and Kate."
Derek glared at him.
Stiles shrugged, "I warned you about it because I knew she was an Argent but as she was much older I could warn you about her without revealing myself so I did. That whole thing reeked of a set up."
Talia sent a sharp glare at Derek who looked away, ears burning with shame.

"Reveal yourself as what exactly?" Asked Peter Hale. His eyes were glowing blue, and Stiles would have be blind to miss the promise of violence in them.
Stiles groaned, "christ you guys are so tense. I'm barely fifteen years old! I've been going to school with three of your pack and at least saved one of them from a hunter caused death. So can you chill out!"
Both adults retracted their claws looking a little sheepish. Heh, sheepish.

"So Stiles, what are you?"
Stiles swallowed, "my mom..." the Hales stilled, "she didn't announce herself when we moved because she was dying...and if you didn't want us she wouldn't be strong enough to stop you killing me."
"You talk of us like we're hunters." Muttered Talia.
Stiles shrugged, "cats and dogs rarely get on...I'm a weretiger."
The admission elicited a lot of growls, though Peter Hale looked intrigued.

Stiles fidgeted with his hands, pushing on before the conversation could be derailed. "She died before she could train me at all...puberty hit a year ago and I've been trying to muddle through on my own..." his sighed, "but I can't."
"Your dad doesn't know." Stated Derek quietly.
Stiles nodded, "No one did apart from her. And he can't find out... I understand if you want me off your territory. It'll take me a couple days to convince my dad to leave though if you can be patient?"

Talia opened her mouth but Peter place a hand on her shoulder.
"None of your mother's relatives can help you?"
Stiles shook his head, "my mother cut ties when she eloped with my dad."
"Hmm, I don't recall her maiden name...could you remind me?" Peter's voice dropped an octave for that question.
Stiles couldn't help a flinch. Not like he could lie to werewolves. "...Gajos."
Peter practically purred, lips curling in a smirk. "My my we have a child emperor on our doorstep Talia, only grandson of Stanislaw Gajos. He's been looking for you, bet he'd pay quite the sum."
Stiles felt fury rippling through him, the change seemless for one if his pedigree.

As a white tiger he unleashed a snarl deep and promising pain.
Peter managed to sound calm even though he couldn't fake his nervous chemosignals, "White Russian indeed. I thought the rumours were exaggerating."

The tense moment was killed by Talia slapping her brother over the back of his head.
"Idiot. Stiles, I'm sorry, we'd never sell you like that. We have honour."

Derek and Cora were staring at him with awe, and most of the pack were still out of view. Stiles sensed no immediate threat but he didn't shift back, just kept his beta gold eyes on Talia.
"I'll have to discuss it with my pack whether we feel comfortable taking you in, but I can assure you if they don't want that you can still remain here in Beacon Hills, you eye colour shows you have done no harm here."

Stiles took slow breaths, giving Peter one last snarl for good measure. He knew he'd be much more intimidating once he no longer had the form of an adolescent, slim and lanky, but it was scary enough to have the older man bare his neck a little.
Tigers were powerful enough to hunt without a pack after all. Young as he was, he could probably fight Talia and win despite his beta status. Once he was fully grown, he'd be capable of taking on a full pack of wolves, just like the bad guy in the jungle book.

He returned to human form and ignored his nakedness, keeping his eyes on Talia.
"Your alpha shift seems fluid enough?" She asked.
Stiles hummed, "full shift is easy-" someone snorted, "- but my strength is growing in human and beta forms, and my hormones are all over the place making control a nightmare. Letting bullies shove you into lockers is a lot harder when you have to fall into the lockers yourself because the shoving feels like gentle pats. Being consistently terrible in gym is hell and trying not to tear the throats out of idiots is becoming less of a metaphor every day. My eyes keep glowing randomly, and my claws try to pop out every time someone irritates me. I'm a danger to myself and to the secrecy of the supernatural world and my mom didn't even leave me written instructions, just trauma."

He took a heaving breath and tried to will his eyes normal but gave up. He was talking about his mother, control wasn't gonna come.
Talia reached out looking tempted to comfort him before thankfully forcing herself not to.
"I'll discuss this with the others. Derek and Cora will stay and keep you company, we won't be long Stiles."

Stiles nodded and made his way back the jeep where he kept a handful of spare clothes for emergencies.
Cora and Derek both watch his face calculatingly as he changes.
"I'm sorry."
Stiles blinks at Derek, faintly surprised.
"You were always too observant, I caught the way you'd smirk or laugh sometimes at things someone not in the know wouldn't...I was worried you'd work it out so tried to make sure you would stop paying attention. Keep the secret so I didn't get in even more trouble because of you."
Stiles nodded acceptance.
Cora didn't apologise for being a bitch, but she was like that with everyone who wasn't her pack and Stiles didn't really nurse hurt feelings with regards to either of them.
"I don't really care." He said truthfully. Derek looked a little offended, and Cora laughed. "Watching you guys struggle with control was funny...until I was too. And everyone at school hates me. Thankfully cats are solitary beings. More or less."

"Must have sucked, your mom dying." Said Cora.
Stiles laughed, "you never try comforting people. Ever again. That was awful."
Derek's lip quirked in the hint of a smile. Cora looked a bit shame faced.

Before either could attempt more disastrous conversation, Talia came back out the house.
"We're taking you in. For training at least, we'll take this one step at a time. Pups practise control on Sunday afternoons, 3 pm, be on time. A cub amongst pups should do too much harm."
"Famous last words Talia." Murmured Peter, but the hostility was gone from the Hale left hand.

Talia looked at him expectantly, and moment later Stiles realised what she was waiting for.
The cat in him revolted at the action but needs must and his survival was his priority.
He bared his throat.
A tiger cub among wolf pups. What could go wrong indeed.

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