The best kept secrets never come out

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I kinda stumbled into the teen wolf fandom by accident a month ago. I promised myself I wouldn't write any long fics until I finish my current HP story. But I allow myself one shots to get the need out my here we are.
Hope you like them!
Whimsy :)


(Creature Stiles, Smart Stiles, Dark Stiles, Steter)


It was a quiet pack meet.
Retrospectively, the fact Stiles didn't start the conversation should have been suspicious.

In fact it was Erica who began it.
"So, werewolves are real."
Peter snorted and Derek rolled his eyes, "Erica, it's been two years."
She scowled at him, "are there any monsters in pop culture that aren't real?"
"Oh!" Scott's eyes lit up, "abominable snow men!"
Derek grinned at Peter, "I met one. He was in your dorm in college I recall."
"Darren." Acknowledged Peter, "Ironically they are rather common, a lot migrated to Canada from the French Alps and they thrive there."

"Elves?" Asked Jackson, mumbling about lord of the rings when that earned him a curious look.
Peter shook his head, "it's thought they were mislabelled higher fae. In essentials real though, nature loving, fairly disconnected from the real world, ancient."

"Dwarves then? Giants?"
"Last giants were killed when the Vikings first invaded Ireland it's believed. Fomorians. Dwarves are subterranean so no one is sure but they are assumed extinct, last recorded in the Himalayan mountains two hundred years ago though so who knows."
He put on a bored tone, but Peter was enjoying the conversation.

"Angels and demons?" Asked Boyd tentatively.
Peter raised an eyebrow, "metaphorical, plenty. Literal? Let's hope not."
A shudder went around the room.

"If there's werewolves..." began Scott after a few minutes contemplative silence, "and witches...well, there's gotta be vampires right?"
There was a smattering of Buffy jokes and eye rolls but Peter remained contemplatively silent and eventually the teens noticed.
"Right? Peter?" Prompted Scott.
Peter hesitantly shook his head. "You'd think so with their presence in pop culture but no bestiaries mention them. No other books I've read either, and I've searched. They are common in modern myths, but there's nothing tangible or verified. Doesn't help that eastern Europe is so ravaged by wars most records by those in the know have been lost to time or invaders. Since so many other creatures cannibalise humans and/or live to great ages...occam's razor forces me to admit much like elves, any myths about them must root from misunderstandings."

The room went quiet again.
Peter sighed, "after so many hundreds of years, considering their rumoured power, you'd think one would pop out the woodwork somewhere with a fanged grin, but the silence across the centuries is...resounding. So no vampires I'm afraid Scott."
Scott pouted, but Stiles grinned. "Tough luck dude, I was always team Jacob anyways."
He earned a laugh with that but the strange atmosphere didn't truly shift for the rest of the evening.


"Is your dad second generation immigrant or more?" Asked Peter.
He, Lydia and Stiles were researching kelpies. A few if the others tried to help but since none of them had even a weak grasp of latin they were fairly useless. Most of them were sat around on their phones or looking over their shoulders to read their notes.

"Oh he's first gen Polish. We migrated twelve years ago, his accent's pretty good right?"
"It is." Replied Peter with a raised eyebrow, "Your mom was Polish too?"
Scott's breathing picked up behind him, and Peter was aware Lydia had stopped reading. Stiles kept writing though, a picture of calm, "no actually, mămică was Romanian."
"You think I talked to my mother in English?" Stiles rolled his eyes, but Peter could smell a bit of genuine irritation. "Bineînțeles că vorbeam limba mea maternă."

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