The Human Alpha

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Scott and Peter stand at opposite corners of the clearing, red eyes glowing and barely keeping the snarl out of their voices as they posture.

Derek's gone, again.
Scott's somehow managed to remain agonisingly naive and childish about dealing with threats, the pack and his wolf which he still ignores where it doesn't suit him.
And Peter is back, and once again an Alpha. An alpha returned to his family's territory, fully intent on claiming it and the pack within, well some of them presumably since he returned with none at his side.

Stiles watches the pair of them argue with the rest of the pack, hands in his pockets, calm as he only ever is in times like these.
Peter said he'd make an excellent wolf, but Stiles was always more of a feline person. Not exactly in the solitary way, though he is certainly self sufficient and independent and has been for many years...but in the predatory way. He hunts alone, strategises for many perhaps, but he was a leader not a team player, and he doesn't chase his prey blindly reliant on others, he hides, he waits, plays stupid until the perfect moment to pounce.

He'd been told by many people he was loyal to a fault, but he was no Hufflepuff, he was a Slytherin through and through, he'd kill for those he gave his loyalty to, but once lost it was lost forever. He may have accepted Scott's weak apology for Theo, but he'd only been acting for convenience. Scott hadn't had an ounce of his loyalty since, nor his trust. He'd never really had his respect to begin with.

He suspected Peter knew that his relationship with Scott was over. That was why he was making this play, confident to an extent that between the two in an even fight, Stiles would tip the scales in his favour.
He'd calculated reasonably well with the information he had.
That is, that Erica, Boyd (since he freed Deucallion), Jackson (it's Jackson), Allison (since Scott cheated on her with Kira whilst she was still recovering from her injuries from the Nogitsune) and Lydia (because of Allison and Jackson) had no loyalty to Scott.
Them versus Isaac, Liam, Hayden, Mason and Corey made a fifty fifty split.
He probably assumed Malia would be neutral. And thus Stiles would tip the scales and perhaps have the pull to draw some of the others with him.
And Kira had returned to Japan to train so was no longer a factor.

It wasn't too bad, Stiles gave him that. But as he had many times before, he'd mentally cast Stiles in a supporting role due to his humanity. Not the first time he'd made that mistake. Probably the last, but Peter was a wild card in his own right and it would be rude for Stiles to completely discount him.
But still, he'd forgotten Stiles, like they all did. Him, Scott, Derek...they never stopped making that mistake. Except Theo, Theo had seen him. Stiles missed him a little, psychopath though he may have been.

Erica and Boyd indeed held no loyalty to Scott after he let Deucallion go. They held loyalty to Stiles who'd nearly died rescuing them from Gerard, and had visited them nearly every day in the weeks following their rescue from the Alpha pack bearing food, understanding and comfort.

Jackson held no loyalty to Scott, he also had given it to Stiles. Stiles who had brought Lydia to save him despite being beaten bloody. Stiles who had skyped him regularly to ask how he was in London, give him updates on how Lydia was coping, and to give him the number of a supernatural therapist in London to help him heal in the aftermath.

Lydia held no loyalty to Scott, hers was also granted to Stiles, after he proved incident after incident to be the one with the best plan, the one she could go to for level headed advice and the one who really saw her for her. The only one who truly put others over his own feelings and kept calm.

It was Stiles who visited Allison almost daily in hospital following the Nogitsune and despite his own poor state, braving her father's glares in order to distract her attention with gossip, and tutor her so she wouldn't have to be kept behind in school. She would look to him first in a dangerous situation.

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