Stars Themselves (DW Part 1)

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That Doctor Who Scene with River's confession but make it Sterek.


Stiles's shoulders were starting to ache in a not good way, his arms twisted awkwardly was they were. The rope around his wrists itched but Stiles knew better than to try and get out of a knot tied by hunters. Werewolves who didn't want to damage the fragile human maybe, but hunters knew exactly how tightly humans needed to be bound.

"He's a Hale," a rather seedy man was proclaiming smiling with fragile confidence, "they can full shift ma'am, he will be a wonderful addition to your...collection. Your crowning achievement!"
"Plus," a woman in a silk dress simpered, "many of us would be happy to see an end to those particular mutts, you'd have the gratitude of many-"

The being they were trying to butter up like toast was a stout woman with the most impressive umbridge energy Stiles had ever witnessed, her sweaty face practically dripping with make up and her magenta dress so tight it looked as if it had been painted on.
She cut off the simpering lady, "Proceed faster, or I will collect you instead! I don't have a hunter yet, though I'd prefer one with higher pedigree, there's an Argent girl somewhere around here?"

The woman's hands started to tremble at the casual threat but her beaming smile stayed plastered on, "it would be an honour to be part of your collection...but as you say, I'm no Argent."
The seedy man seemed to want to move the conversation along, gesturing to Stiles who only wasn't talking because he could see he wasn't valuable enough alive to these people to risk riling them up.

"This man is the known consort of the Hale Alpha!"
Stiles would have spat out a drink had he been drinking, which he hadn't for nearly four hours. As it was trying not to laugh was incredibly difficult.
"Confirmation required." Demanded Umbridge lady.
Seedy man dived into his satchel and pulled out a handful of photos.
The sight of them made Stiles want to laugh more. He'd stopped crying over this common misunderstanding years ago, his heart was an expert at unrequited love by this point.

There was a picture if Derek carrying him in princess carry out of that FBI raid. Another of Derek holding him up against a wall, they'd been arguing but the timing of the image was misleading.
Another showed Stiles stood protectively over Derek's unconscious form during a fight, and the fourth and final one caught the look on his face as he leant over Derek's unconscious form. A soft look he'd never seen on himself before that made his breath hitch.

Umbitch looked over the pictures thoughtfully before eyeing Stiles with such blatant doubt it made Stiles want to give her a high five. How come crazy collector lady saw the obvious status differences whilst most of the pack were convinced Derek loved him back? I mean honestly, Derek Fucking Hale, ladies and gentlemen, there were goddamn lightyears between them.

The picture of Derek carrying him seemed to win her over though, as she didn't demand further 'confirmation', turning her full focus on him. "So, where is Derek Hale now?"
Stiles gave his most winning smile. "I haven't the faintest idea."
"Is that credible?" Asked the skinny woman, eyes narrowed.
Shrugging and then wincing when his shoulders gave out in protest, he answered, "It's true."
"You're the man he loves." Asserted the seedy man, glancing nervously at Umbitch.
"No, I'm not." Stiles replied, the topic just a little too sensitive for him to be able to joke around with.
"He's lying!" Yelled the seedy man.
Stiles kept his eyes on Umbitch, stating it firmly and knowing if any if them could hear his heart beat it would be steady as Pocahontas' beating drums. "Derek Hale does not and has never loved me. I'm not lying."

"You aren't, are you?" Commented the collector lady, something strange in her tone.
Seedy man looked about to piss his pants, "Impossible. This is a trick!"
Stiles grinned, "No, it isn't."
"My information is correct. You are the man who loves Derek Hale!"
Ah fuck it thought Stiles, his eyes starting to tingle as he kept them focused on Umbitch. "Yes, I am. I've never denied it. But whoever said he loved me back? He's Derek Hale. He doesn't go around falling in love with people. Especially not spazzy skinny guys who get themselves kidnapped all the time. And if you think he's anything that small or that ordinary, such a cliché fairytale hero... then you haven't the first idea of who you're dealing with."
He smirked, must look quite the picture with his bloodied nose and bruised face.

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