❤TordTom💙 🎶Senorita🎶

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A/N: ahHhhh. I finally did a music one, yayyyyaa. Its kinda cringay ngl but still enjoy 😅

Word count:1330


I love it when you call me senorita

It all started when Tom got dead ass drunk and kissed Tord on the mouth. It was sloppy and very messy, in theirs drunken haze they did something they whould regret in the morning.

I wish i could pretend i didn't need ya

It was a week after that happened, they stayed quiet. He didn't dare say anything to Tord or his world whould crumble, that facade that made him want to hate Tord was slowly peeling away, it made him want to come back to him, that night was vivid yet so murky at the same time. It made him want to run full speed at Tord and kiss him but he couldn't.

But every touch is ooh, la-la-la

His touch was so gentle, unlike all the other times Tord had touched him. His hands were soft and loving, it made Toms heart go boom whenever he thought of them.

Ooh, i should be running

He couldn't except this, how could he? He feel in love, and it wasn't the charismatic Edd or the handsome Matt, out of all the people his heart could chose he choose Tord, the asshole that he had a one night stand with because he was very drunk, damn that alcohol. He wanted to run, fast, get out of his thoughts, to stop thinking of Tord, of his stupid face, how his gray eyes whould look at him angerly when hed piss him off, when his gap tooth whould show when hed smile, it was so ugly yet so perfect to Tom.

Ooh, you keep me coming for ya

He tried hard, but every thought led him back to Tord to that night. How could he survive now? He just wanted to be with him but hed never say out loud, bashing his head, annoyed at the fact that hed fallen in love with the worst person possible.

Land in Miami, The air was hot from summer rain.

Tord was shocked, hed fallen in love and hed fallen in love with Jehovahs. That was surprising. He thought and thought but he knew that it was time to except it. The morning when he woke up with Toms body still snuggling with him, he excepted it. That feeling that made your heart beat, that made it sickeningly sweet to look at Toms face, he looked like summer his favorite season, maybe it was just him associateing both things that he loved. He smelled of pineapple and it made Tord nostalgic for something he never really cared much for.

Sweat dripping off me

Every time hed see Tom, his face would go red, his hands would sweat, hed have nothing to say when Tom would give a snarky remark to the communist, it was all just a red haze, his heart would flutter when his enemy looked at him, a part of him wished he never did what he did with Tom, but they were both drunk and were in the spur of the moment.

It felt like ooh, la-la-la

And one day it happened again, but this time they were aware of their feelings no more did they question themselves, this was it should they talk about it or just shrug it off like last time.

Yeah, no

Mind at a cross point, Tord had to, he couldn't focus on anything else just Toms gaze. And then it happened, Tom was just about to get out of the bed when Tord sucked him back in, pushing him by his arm on the bed, "What the-" Toms voice echoed trough the empty room, they were the only ones there. Pinning him to the bed so he couldn't escape.

Sapphire moonlight

They woke up late at night, somewhere around 3 in the morning, the moon was still up and it was shining from the open window in Toms room, it shined glimered and was shining onto Toms face, making the alcoholic kinda blind from the instant light that was on him. Tord looked at him and just stayed like that, staring at Toms fitures in the shine of the moonlight.

We danced for hours

At the Party, they drank, the only time when Tom and Tord could get along was when they were dancing mindlessly to the beat of the music pumping trough their ears, flashbacks coming to Tord as he thought of that. "Tom" the communist whispered quietly almost as if he was scared to end the silence, while Tom was still being pinned on the bed. "Yeh" i slow hug came from Tom chest.

Tequila sunrise

The sun was rising, he had to this now, because Tom would wake up from his daze in a matter in no time, he didn't even know how much time they spent looking at eachother, "Hey Thomas why are we doing this?" Tord questioned "W-what ya mean?" Tom rubbed his eyes thinking that this was some wierd ass dream.

His body fit right in my hands, la-la-la

Tom was pinned to the bed, but still in that circumstance he melted into Tords touch, the way he was holding his waist was giving him butterflies, making his heart beat faster then it possibly could, and then Tord explained "Thomas we've been doing this for weeks now can you just tell me what your intentions are?" A quit echo was heard from the other.

It felt like ooh, la-la-la, yeah

His heart skipped a beat, making Tom red, wanting to get liquor again and drown this feeling, but he was here, no liquor to be seen and his problem was infront of him, "I-i" he spoke out in his morning voice.

I love it when you call me senorita

"Do you like it when i call you 'min kjaerlighet'" Tord questioned squeezing Toms waist even more, making the alcoholics heart go wack, he loved it, he loved this feeling, but he couldn't, could he, this was his enemy.

I wish i could pretend i didn't need ya

He wish he could run, run away from this feeling, from Tord all together. Was this a dream, was this reality for Tom, or was it some nightmare he would wake up out of.
Sadly it was real all of it was real, Tords words, his hold, the way he was looking at Tom, everything was real from the very start but he could except that.

But every touch is ooh, la-la-la

He was holding him gently, lovingly, like he was about to brake, and a quick whisper came from the male on top of him "Answer Tom" it was in a hush low voice, as quit as the wind but very demanding

It's true, la-la-la

"Y-yeh i like it" Tom whispered a little annoyed at Tords forcefullnes, and then it all went down hill, Tord wrapped his hands around the alcoholic waist laying his head on his chest, making Toms heart beat even more "So you don't mind if i do this" Tord mumbled in Toms chest quickly getting up and kissed his cheek.

Ooh, i should be running

All of this was wrong yet so right for Tom, he wasted this so bad and now he got it, his heart was still beating fast but it got a since if normalsy after a while "i like you" Tord mumbled.

Ooh you keep me coming for ya

This was it Tom was addicted he was going to die at how fast his heart was going but he isn't dead yet, a quick chuckle came from Tord noticing that his heart beat skyrocketed, "i-i love you to" a quick response came from the other. And so now they sat there cuddling, and slowly they start to go to sleep.

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