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Chapter 6

Of course he would have potions first day back Harry thought grumpily; they always seemed to have potions on a damn Monday. He ate his breakfast silently contemplating his behaviour in the next lesson; everyone would obviously know he could brew or he wouldn't be in the class but if he should show the ease to which he could brew. They had not discussed their actual class work in the meeting, Harry decided to perform so he was one place under Hermione minus defence, where the top spot was his by a long shot, he was expected to excel at defence and as he was being tutored Dumbledore would expect him to be good. Snape wasn't likely to speak to Dumbledore with the Dark Lord watching him so closely, another bonus of having Tom in the school he supposed. He was disappointed, he didn't have a lesson with Tom until tomorrow and he was actually looking forward to see the man teaching. With a sigh, he pulled himself up to go to potions, Harry was hoping Snape paired him with Draco out of spite like he usually did, that way he could have a decent conversation. The route to the Dungeons was the same as usual, dark and damp, he arrived first out of the potions classroom but that didn't last long when the Slytherins arrived, only Malfoy, Nott and Zabini made the class, he nodded to Malfoy with a smirk and the blonde returned it. Harry wasn't surprised to see only Ron, Hermione and Dean coming down from the Gryffindors, only no one from Hufflepuff, and Padma from Ravenclaw. Snape threw open the door in his usual fashion and ordered them in, Harry immediately went to the back of the classroom and sat down, the register was called and Snape stood at the front.

"This year you will be working with a partner, this person will be for the entire year and any complaints you can leave." Here Snape looked at him and Harry was tempted to roll his eyes, it was obvious who he was going to be with.

"Weasley and Nott, Granger and Zabini, Thomas and Patil, Malfoy and Potter, pair up now." Harry threw a pointed look at Malfoy stating he was not moving and the Malfoy scion rolled his eyes and moved to the back.

"You're impossible," He muttered and Harry hid a grin.

"You didn't expect me to willingly go closer to Snape did you?"

"He is my godfather you know."

"Yeah, and he hates me. I would offer my godfather up for insult but Dumbledore saw to it that I no longer have one." Harry pointed out.

"Such a pleasant man,"

"That he is,"

"You will begin with antidotes, come and collect a phial and begin," Snape barked and there was a scraping of stools.

"I'm guessing we can't just hand him a bezoar?" Harry asked.

"You could but I'm stepping back and watching as he takes that one in." Draco muttered.

"Ah well," Harry walked up to the front of the classroom and picked up a potion with a sickly looking yellow potion in, something he noted never to drink no matter what it was.

"Whatcha think, funny looking enough?" Harry questioned handing it over.

"We have to work out what it is, then neutralise it."

"I know," Harry waved his hand over the phial, ghostly lettering appeared above; Decaying Draught.


"Where did you learn that spell?"

"Ah, now that is an interesting question, I have one for you, how do you begin neutralising a Decaying Draught?"

"Nicely defected," Harry grinned, "Well the key elements are Moonstone and Ashwinder eggs."

"So, crushed unicorn horn, chopped Aconite, Lunar leaves and sliced Asphodol Root?" Harry suggested and Draco nodded, they began preparing the ingredients, the blonde poured the potion in to their cauldron and added the Aconite first, Harry then sprinkled in the unicorn horn while stirring and watched as the potion dulled to a faded orange, next came the Asphodol root in pieces allowing the potion to go purple and finally the 6 Lunar leaves. They kept stirring every 30 seconds letting the potion come to a boil before taking it off the heat, with the final stir it settled on a pleasant rose colour.

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