ch. 47💜

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Chapter 47

The three Malfoy's were sat having light conversation in the early afternoon before the ball when the wards alerted them to visitors. They didn't have to wait long before their guests were revealed to be Narcissa's sister, Bellatrix, and her husband, Rodolphus.

"Bella, Rodo, this is a welcome surprise." Narcissa greeted, rising to kiss her sister's cheek and accept the one from Rodolphus in return, indicating seats for them to take.

"Our apologies for the sudden visit. We must speak with our Lord." Bella replied, and then she smiled. While the smile was still slightly insane, it was no longer completely deranged. "I do like to visit anyway, so I thought we would stay for a while."

"That would be lovely." Narcissa allowed easily, a bright smile coming to her face.

"Where is our Lord?" Rodolphus asked, "In his study?"

Draco snorted as Lucius sighed and Narcissa released a delighted laugh confusing the Lestranges.

"Do share the joke," Bella said.

"Our Lord is somewhere in the manor but you can bet it isn't his study," Draco said with a slight grin, "Not after the strop Harry threw."

"Potter-Black?" Rodolphus confirmed, "What's he got to do with it?"

"What hasn't he?" Bella countered, "We all saw them at Yule."

"That is true." Her husband agreed, before turning back to the Malfoy's, "What is going on?"

"And what has it got to do with our Lord not being in his study?" Bella added.

"Our Lord announced that he intended to spend the time before the ball this evening working." Lucius began. "Only, Potter-Black seemed to have other plans."

"Why didn't our Lord ignore him?" Rodolphus wondered and this time all three Malfoys snorted, though they would deny it.

"As if our Lord would ignore him." Narcissa said as if it was absurd.

"Besides, it was kind of hard for him to ignore Harry when he decided to turn himself in to a human sloth and refuse to let go." Draco pointed out, laughing as his mother looked at him with fond amusement and his father fond exasperation over their guest.

"He did what?" Bella exclaimed.

"Oh yes. Arms and legs like our Lord was a tree branch." Narcissa confirmed, smiling.

"He complained that our Lord simply couldn't hole up in his study because Harry had plans for them and our Lord couldn't abandon him." Draco told them with a shake of his head.

"And our Lord just listened to him?" Rodolphus said incredulously.

"Well, he sighed and asked if he agreed to go with him would Harry let him go and return to human behaviour." Lucius remembered, "I feel as if this situation has happened before with them."

"With or without our Lord carrying Harry out in bridal style?" Narcissa asked coyly.

"Are-Are they together?" Bella questioned lowly, leaning forward slightly.

"Believe it or not, no." Narcissa sighed. The Lestranges shared a look before rising to their feet.

"We shall go and see our Lord, then we can come back and finish this conversation. I feel like there is more to it." Bella decided, "Any suggestions?"

"Sun room, Harry likes the winter sunlight." Draco answered. "We don't have any snow so he won't go outside."

"Thanks," Rodolphus said, offering a wave as he made to leave with his wife. Narcissa's voice stopped them in the doorway.

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