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Chapter 12

For an entire week, Harry was a ball of barely contained fury and he spent most of his nights with Tom trying to work out what he or rather they, as Tom was just as pissed about the attack on the cubs as he was, were going to do to help the wolves. Harry had pushed more money in to Ellen's shop and sent her a note telling her to do what she could and that he was working on it, the only problem was they were coming up blank on wide scale aid. Harry was going mad, he stalked in to his rooms and slammed his bag down, everything was pissing him off and if he didn't find a solution to something soon he was going to blow. It didn't help that Moony was still locked up that damn place with those damn people, he slashed out violently with his hand destroying half the room. Lucius was still out hunting down the sick bastards responsible for the attack on the cubs and it was lucky they were having a meeting tonight or he would blow up. He hadn't managed to get back to the Gryffindor rooms as he wanted because the other research had taken a back seat and now the rooms had been found Luna had picked up his searches to give him more time, he knew Paws had been there as well as Bleach, but he hadn't properly spoke to them as he had been mapping out ideas. Luna came in and raised her eyebrow at the stated of the room, Harry waved his wand to fix the damage and shrugged at her questioning look.

"I'm pissed off," He said and she nodded.

"I know, but destroying this room will not help."

"Yeah well it felt good,"

"That's what the bite marks are for." She pointed out and Harry smirked, last night had gotten particularly vicious and Tom was sporting just as many, if not more inflamed marks than Harry.

"That felt amazing too," He agreed and Luna rolled her eyes, she sat down and pulled out a few things.

"The others are on their way, it's lucky it's Saturday tomorrow or I think there would be a few explosions." She said to him just as the portrait opened and Neville stalked in clutching a letter.

"Your grandmother?" Harry asked nodding towards the letter and Neville smiled without warmth.

"Yes, just informing me how much of a disgrace I am and that she's just cut my trust fund in half because the family money shouldn't be wasted on a useless lump like me." He threw the letter down with a humourless laugh.

"Pathetic bitch, I'm going to enjoy putting her in a ward with her oh so precious son, then she can see how useless I am." He growled.

"We are moving slowly I know, but we will get there." Harry reassured him, and partly himself, and Neville nodded.

"I know, but the nerve she has is unbelievable." Bleach entered followed by the twins and he was carrying a book on charms to Harry's confusion,

"I'll explain when the rest get here," He said and automatically sat between the twins, Harry and Luna exchanged smirks. Paws came in with her arms full of sheets and Swift was carrying books that seemed to belong to Paws also.

"What's been wrong with you all week?" Swift asked first and Harry sighed tugging at his hair.

"We'll get to that after your things," He said, "What's with the charms book?" he directed the question at Draco who smirked.

"I was searching for the Ravenclaw heir and I realised that the pureblood marriage names only go back to far, so I decided to start somewhere else and it was only by coincidence that I came across a name." He began, Draco opened the book and flicked it to its marked page before reading.

"Many believe that the levitation charm 'Wingardium Leviosa' dates back to the time of the founders. They would be wrong in their assumption as the original levitation charm was in fact 'Obiectum Resugat', it was only after many years did the levitation charm as we know it came in to power. It was a young witch who discovered a flaw in the original charm and found a way to better it, Penelope Denver nee Harris was a direct descendent of Ravenclaw." Draco finished and Harry was impressed, that was literally pure luck that the blond had come across it, but it was some damn good luck.

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