🌟Chapter 7 :- ( Baseball Tournament ) 🌟

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🌟George's Pov🌟

It's been been a few days since we were back from New York.

Today was really important day because we had our Baseball team selection and Coach was going to decided what positions we were going to get.

" Morning guys " I said as I got downstairs.

" Hey sweetie , I got some pancakes for you " Mom said serving the pancakes.

" Mom I got early band practice "
Henry said.

" I got Baseball practice , It's selection day " I said.

" That's awesome Kiddo , good luck "
Dad said.

" Henry can you drop your brother off to his Baseball practice ? I got some errands to run " Mom said.

" Ya sure , come on Squirt I will drop ya off " Henry said picking up his guitar kit.

" Hey ! I am Squirt , I am only few Inches shorter than you " I said.

" Whatever dweeb , come on "
Henry said rolling his eyes.

" It's George not dweeb " I said.

" Are you coming ? If I get late for my band practice your dead " Henry said glaring at me.

" Boys ! enough , get going " Dad said.

" Yes Dad " I said following Henry Into his Jeep.

" They so remind me of myself and Owen " Dad said kissing Mom.

" Ya I guess " Mom said smiling.

At Baseball Ground...

" Hey dude ! " I said giving high five to Sam.

" Hey , I am so excited about today's selection " Sam said.

" Me too " I said.

" Good Morning team ! " Coach Bolton Reese said.

" Good Morning Coach " we said.

" Alright so you guys must already be aware that Middle School District Tournament for Best Team is going to start from tomorrow , we will be facing different school teams and I need you all to be ready " Coach Bolton said.

" Yes Coach " Coach Bolton started telling us our positions  when I heard familiar red Limo being parked In front of Baseball field.

" Kids you all will be taking turns during as Batters , I have already gave you the sequence " Coach Bolton said.

" Coach Bolton , Why am I playing as last Batter  ? " I asked.

" George your a good player , we want to keep your batting skills at the end when game gets really Interesting "
Coach Bolton said I nodded.

" Hello there ! my young friend "
I heard Mr Stuart stepping out of his Limo with Uncle Owen.

Oh no....

" Hiii Uncle Owen and Mr Stuart "
I said.

" Hii bud , heard you were at Baseball ground " Uncle Owen said ruffling my hair.

" We had our team selection today , Coach this is my Uncle Owen and Mr Stuart " I said Introducing them to Coach Bolton.

" It's pleasure to meet ya pal's "
Coach Bolton said.

" Ah ! I was finding you George , I need your help " Mr Stuart said.

Here we go again....

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