🌟Chapter 12 :- ( Custody Battle :- Part 2 )🌟

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Hey guys😋 Sup , I am back with another chapter of Pampers Star Boy :- Pampers Vs Huggies.

Let's see who gets to have the custody of Connor.


🌟George's Pov🌟

Things were not quite right now after Mr Stuart found out that Connor was his biological son.

Right now we are In the court and it's a matter of time when decision will be made about who get's to have Connor's custody.

" Gentlemen , I am going to ask you
1 question , Mr Jenkins why do you think you should have Connor's custody ? " Judge asked Kyle.

" Sir ! It's obvious , Me and my Dad took care 9f  Connor  , gave him roof on head and I am capable of raising him myself " Kyle said and Judge nodded.

" Mr Stuart what do you have to say ? " Judge asked.

" Sir I always wanted to be a father , now that I know I have a child , I want a chance to be with him - " Mr Stuart said.

" Come on ! look at these reports " Kyle handed some file which his lawyer passed to the Judge " Mr Stuart is diagnosed with mild Autism , do you really think Mr Stuart could raise Connor when he can't look after himself " Kyle said and Mr Stuart was stunned.

" That's not fair ! " I said.

" Kyle !! that was low move , Mr Stuart might be Autistic but atleast he is not a bully like you - " Uncle Owen said growling.

" Order ! order , please maintain silence , before making any decision - " Judge was about to say something when women with blonde hair walked Inside the court room.

" Mr Clarke , you would rethink whatever decision your about to make " Women said.

" May I know your Introduction Ma'am ? " Judge asked.

" Stella Baxter , I am daughter of Florida's Senator Rick Baxter "
Stella said.

" Stella ? " Mr Stuart said.

" Mr Stuart you know her ? "
I asked.

" She..she is Connor's mother "
Mr Stuart said and everyone was shocked.

" Mr Clarke according to the Law if a person is financially capable of raising a child he also has to right to have his custody , these are few legal papers " Stella said handing papers to the Judge.

" What the hell !? Who are you and what right do you have to say in this matter ? " Kyle asked.

" I am Connors biological Mom "
Stella said and Kyle couldn't find words to say.

" M..Mom..? " Connor asked who was nervously watching this whole debate
that was going to decide his future.

" Yes sweetheart " Stella hugged Connor " I am not a good mother , I wanted to tell Mr Stuart about you but before I could do that I had to give you up for adoption because my family won't accept you , I gave you up with a very heavy heart but today I am here to make some things right "
Stella said and Connor hugged her.

This all was already making me nervous and my diaper was beyond wet.

" Stella How did you know....? "
Mr Stuart asked.

" Roland came over and told me everything , I know I can't make up for what's already happened but I owe you one Mr Stuart and I am here to pay for It " Stella said.

" Connor , it's all about you so I am going to ask you , who would you like to be with ? "
Judge asked.

" Sir I love my Dad , but Mr Stuart seemes nice beside he saved my life Dad - " Connor said looking at Kyle who sighed In frustrating " I think it's fair enough he gets a chance , I want to know him " Judge nodded.

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