Chapter 41

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"Now starts your first step to control your powers

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"Now starts your first step to control your powers. Just do what I am doing." Yeonjun spoke as he sat still on a rock doing breathing exercises. Y/n followed and kept doing it for 2 minutes until she opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Umm... So? Are you asleep? Like do I just have to do these? Breath in Breath out shit? Nothing cool.....?" she asked with a shameless smile.

"Just do what I am doing!" Yeonjun exclaimed with his eyes still closed.

"Lame but OK." She whispered and continued.

"If you can control yourself then you can control your powers. You can't even sit quietly for 15 minutes. How will you learn to control your powers." Taehyun spoke as he walked into the cave with Beomgyu.

"Chill Taehyun. She will eventually get it." Beomgyu supported Y/n.

"Not gonna lie but when I was learning all these things, I was pissed as hell. Its so annoying and tiring, but truly the lamest way to learn is doing all this. Sit in peace? Peace my foot." Kai kicked a rock.

"You've been using many unethical words lately

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"You've been using many unethical words lately. From where do you-" Taehyun was about to ask Kai when his eyes widen and Soobin stopped them.

"Guys. Shush. Let them concentrate before Yeonjun hyung kicks all of us out."

(Yeonjun: Author! I like this book!
Jin: IKR. These young kids respect us so much in here.
Yeonjun: Exactly!!!!
Author: Finally some normal people. Sure guys. Sure. They will respect you peeps alot. I like you guys. So good. 😭😭🥕*wiping tears*
Other characters: 🙄🙄😑)

"Makes sense." Beomgyu nodded.

Kai was about to sneak out again when he was stopped by Beomgyu.

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