˚ ☁︎ ˚ Hang out »

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« 遊ぼう»

Heeyoung walked towards the three best friends, stepping into the canteen.

"Heeyoung.",Sunghoon's lips formed a smile .

She waved ,"Hello !"

Her gaze shifted to Jay,"Thank you for your blazer, yesterday.",she extended the bag to him.

He accepted it , shaking his head,"You don't have to thank me.",he ruffled her hair.

Jake awkwardly looked away,"Your s- shirt.I got it too."

"Her shirt?",Sunghoon blinked.

Heeyoung handed him his blue t-shirt,"Take this."

"What is going on?",Jay was in deep confusion .

"My aunt wanted to deliver a box to a person who turned out to be his father.",she explained.

"Did you two break the house while quarelling?",Sunghoon chuckled.

"He surprisingly changed yesterday and offered to wash my shirt.",she couldn't help but laugh.


"Jake doesn't even wash his own clothes.",Jay held back his laughter.

"Jake , are you high?",Sunghoon teased him.


"WAIT THE FUNNIEST PART WAS WHEN HIS CHAIR-",Jake placed his palm over her mouth,"Didn't you hear me? Shut.up."

"Why? We want to know.",the boys teased him.

Heeyoung bit his hand  causing him to groan in pain and withdraw his hand , immediately.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU ZOMBIE-",he glared at her.

Sunghoon and Jay broke out into laughter , after witnessing them bicker.

Miyeon who had been sitting at a distance from them, banged her fist against the table.

She hated it when Heeyoung smiled, especially with them. She hated to see her happy. Jake talked to Heeyoung , her darn cousin so much but he never talked to her. She was always ignored by him even though, she changed her name to Choi Mihi in her letters and asked him to meet her at the terrace. He did not bother to meet her and all her letters were shattered over the terrace ground instead.

She could feel her blood boiling as she continued to overhear their conversation.

"Heeyoung. Let's hang out today? You and us.",Sunghoon suggested with a smile.

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